my student council crush

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The next day

It was raining which made heeseung got up from his bed. First thing he did was to check his phone to see if jungwon had texted him but he didn't, heeseung was upset that the younger didnt texted him back so he went to sleep.

It was already 8:45 in the morning heeseung was late for school because he over slept.
rinnnnnggggg heeseung heard his phone ring, it was jay calling him for the 3rd time because he wasn't at school "hello" heeseung finally answered the phone. "dude where the fuck are you?" Jay ask. "Im home why?"heeseung answered with a question."you're late for class stupid so get your ass up and come to school" jay said. "No its not its Saturday" heeseung said still in bed"Saturday my ass its friday" heeseung then checked his calendar it was indeed Friday. He quickly got up and got ready for school.

Meanwhile at school

Jungwon and sunoo walks into the student council's room where they saw jay, yeonjun and another male figure, it was Daniel. They all heard the door open except for daniel. Daniel turned around when he heard his name.(real kdrama slowmo thing😂) jungwon was really stunned by the boy infront of him. "Hi im Daniel kim" the boy said. "I'm yang jungwon" jungwon introducing his self back to the boy. "So guys this is our new president yang jungwon" yeonjun said. While every one was clapping jungwon had a big smile on his face because of the praise and also some one else( if u know what i mean 😂😉 sorry had to). They all get to know each other,sunoo and jay saw jungwon staring at Daniel.
"Yah won do like that guy" sunoo said."what no he's cute and handsome but...." Jungwon stopped for a while
"But" sunoo said. Jungwon went silent and stared at Daniel, seeing the younger smile made jungwon blush. He then turned to sunoo and said. "But i think i like him".
Sunoo was surprise and was about to scream but jungwon covered his mouth so no one could hear but he was wrong. Jay was listening to there whole conversation not making it look suspicious.


That dude heeseung


Its jungwon i heard he
Has a crush on daniel the

Kid you beat the hell out
Of yesterday

That dude heeseung
Is  that so

ell I'll talk to you later park i have something to do

Heeseung turned his phone off and went to the his class, where he saw jungwon in his seat. He grabbed jungwon by his wrist and dragged him out the class to school's auditorium. "I heard you have a crush on someone?" Heeseung ask. "Its none of your business hyung" jungwon answered. "IT IS MY BUSINESS YOU'RE MINE" heeseung yelled at the younger. jungwon flinched at the sudden rage in the older's voice. He wanted to run away and cry but he didn't he was to afraid. Suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist, but before heeseung could hold the younger jungwon stopped him from holding him tight. "H-hyung im sorry how can i be yours if i don't have feelings for you"
jungwon said heeseung stayed there in shock
"So you do like someone else, is it that asshole i beat the fuck out of yesterday is it huh answer me jungwon" heeseung yelled. Jungwon didn't answer heeseung question. Heeseung was very mad, he hit the wall which made jungwon really scared. Heeseung then left the auditorium. Jungwon fell on the floor crying until he saw his best friend and his brother running towards him.
"Wonnie!!!" jake yell.
Sunoo (Jake's boyfriend😊) check to see if he was hurt.
"Some of your class mates told me heeseung hyung took you from class and they said he looked angry." sunoo said "its ok wonnie were here now its ok "jake said while hugging his brother very tightly while he cried. "Why is he doing this hyung why" jungown said
as he cried his heart out.

Heeseung pov

Seeing jungwon's teary eyes made me really sad so i decided to leave knowing i made the one i love cry.
"Dude are you crazy he's the president of the student body" jay said. "I know but when you told me jungwon liked someone i got angry" i told jay.

Heeseung knew that what he did was wrong but he couldn't control his feeling. He wanted to apologize to jungwon for what he did but he knew the younger's friends and brother won't let him talk to jungwon. After talking to jay he turned his phone on an tried calling jungwon to apologize but he didn't answer. Heeseung tried texting him


Jungwon im sorry
For yelling at you earlier
Please don't be mad at me

Hyung jungwon
doesn't want to talk to you right now

Who is this? Where is jungwon?

This is jungwon's
brother jake and jungwon is asleep.

Can you please
tell him to text
me later
i really need
to apologize.


Hyung i said jungwon doesn't

Want to talk to you right now so stop texting him

Jake then turn off jungwon's phone for the night and put him to bed. Their parents were out of town for the weekend so they were home alone.

At heeseung's house

Heeseung was so annoyed and angry that he started to cry he called jay and sunghoon to come over and stay with him the both agreed and went to his house.they watched movies and eat snacks until heeseung finally went to sleep and the other boys too

To be continued......

Eh idk if this chapter was interesting but if you have any feed back or any suggestion what i should put in the next chapter care to comment or dm on instagram

Insta acc: heli.Leek

- author

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