broken heart

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jungwon pov

i was my way leaving the mall ,crying not knowing where i'm going. while walking down the wallway i saw someone very familar it was heeseung hyung, but before he could before he could see me i quickly ran into the nearest store.

wonnie, wonnie baby where are you

i heard heeseung hyung said, all i wanted is to go home without him seeing me.

I was on my way out until sunoo and jake hyung saw me .

"wonnie jake called for me i stop not looking at them.
wonnie are you ok ?",sunoo hyung ask. "I'm ok hyung i just needed a little time to think about stuff." i was going to walk away but i felt someone grabbed meby the waist, it was heeseung hyung.

"baby where were you i was so worried you didnt answer any of my text,"he said crying.( ps jungwon was walking around the mall for an hour before he left the guys) "hyung let me go", i said although he didnt. "hyung please you should go back to sunhee she came to see you" i said removing his hands from around my waist."wonnie wait" heeseung said trying to stop me "hyung i cant do this anymore with sunhee back you dont need me " i said almost about to tear up. " baby no dont want to be with her i want to be with you i need you wonnie i really do." heeseung hyung said. " sorry hyung i can't we, i just need some time " i said turning and walking away.
i saw sunoo jake and joshua hyung followed me. "jungwon wait" I heard it sounded like joshua hyung. So I looked back "hyung" I said starting to tear up. "Shhhhh everything will be ok wonnie I promise" joshua hyung told me

Author pov

Heeseung and his friends were in the food court. Heeseung was really upset. Sunhee showed up worried for heeseung.
"I don't think it would be a good time" jay said with a serious face. "Why what's wrong what happen" sunhee said worriedly Heeseung over heard them
"You want to know what happen? You happened sunhee, I love jungwon I wanted a good relationship with him and you ruin it like always" Heeseung said. "What do you mean" sunhee said
"Dont play dumb sunhee everytime I try to date someone you show up out of the blue. I dont want to get back with you I dont want you I love jungwon and jungwon only" heeseung said angrily.
" heeseung-ah I love you, jungwon isnt good for you, you should know that only I am I am the one you love not him" sunhee said
"You dont know what I want, now I see why my parents didnt like you, you are a bitch heeseung said turning to walk away.
"Guys let's go I dont want to see her face", heeseung said and the all went with him.

Jungwon was home now in his room laying down,his head full of thoughts.
He heard his phone ring, it was heeseung calling him, but he didnt answer.

Hee hyung🦌🦌
Wonnie baby I'm sorry

Hee hyung 🦌
Wonnie please answer me

Hee hyung 🦌🦌
Wonnie I miss you please
Let's talk

Hee hyung 🦌🦌
Baby I just wanted to let you know I already told sunhee to back off and leave us alone. I told her I love you and only you.
Wonnie baby please let's talk i really need you.


I need u / HEEWONWhere stories live. Discover now