a little misunderstanding

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It was the next day jungwon was still sleeping in his bed when he heard a knock on his door it was his mom.
"Jungwon honey its time to wake up you'll reach school late. " she yelled from behind the door. "I'm up mom" jungwon yelled back still laying down,A few minutes had pass jungwon got up and went to take a shower. When jungwon got out the shower he was surprise by his brother who was sitting on his bed.
"So i heard you were with heeseung hyung on the soccer field yesterday? Spill" jake said with an exciting tone.

"People saw us? " jungwon said in a worried tone.

"Yea the soccer team was having practice yesterday" jake replied.

Jungwon being the drama queen he is started to fake cry and what if thoughts going through his head.

Time skipped

Jungwon and jake arrived at school's gate where they saw their friends. Niki and sunoo went up to them and greeted them. A little while later he saw heeseung standing at the entrance of the school buliding.
Jungwon suddenly felt an arm wrapped around his shoulders, it was yeonjun.
"Hyung you scared me" jungwon said hit his hyung on the chest. (not too hard) yeonjun start laughing and apologized to the younger. Jungwon took a glance at heeseung for a last time but heeseung was hugging some girl from their school. Jungwon was surprise of the olders actions. he didn't know heeseung had a girlfriend, plus on that he kissed him yesterday. Was he cheat on her with me he thought.
Jungwon was deep in thoughts not knowing his friends were calling his name.
He suddenly snapped back into reality when he notice it was time for them to leave for class. Heeseung was still at the door with jay sunghoon and the girl in his arms.
He watch jungwon going inside so was about to go greet him but jungwon just walked pass like he wasn't there.
Is he ignoring me heeseung thought. Remembering that him and jungwon weren't even friends. That made him really upset, he wanted to be friends with the younger he admired. But after that kiss it was gonna be hard for him to get jungwon's attention. Heeseung didnt know the real reason why jungwon decided to ignore him but he think it was because he was jungwons first kissed.

Um thats all i have for right now 😂 i have nothing to write about but
New update sunday stay tuned 😊

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