sweet baby

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It was already morning,  heeseung was the first one  up he got ready  for school. he also made breakfast for the younger since jungwon's mom had already left for work.

Their uniform

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Heeseung had already fixed jungwon's uniform for him all he need to do was to shower and get dress

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Heeseung had already fixed jungwon's uniform for him all he need to do was to shower and get dress.
"Wonnie baby" heeseung whispered, "5 more minutes hyung", jungwon said. "No more minutes babe it's time for us to go to school," heeseung said as he pulled jungwon up from the bed. "fine" jungwon said and got up. "Hyung can  you get me my uniform" Jungwon Yelled.
Sure wonnie give me a second," Heeseung yelled back.
Jungwon finally finish getting dressed and went to eat his breakfast.
"Good Morning hyung" jungwon said to Jake who was also in the kitchen eating.
"Yah won this is the best heeseung hyung really did a good job" Jake said "yeah he did by the way where's Joshua hyung?" Jungwon asked. "He went out with someone early this morning" Jake said

Joshua pov

"Hyung don't you think we should tell them." The unknown person said.
"We should wait hoonie give them a little more time lets just relax and enjoy the movie hmm "Joshua said. "OK hyung when ever you're ready" sunghoon said.
Joshua was thinking about what his boyfriend said he should really tell his brothers about dating one of their friends
"Hoonie?"Joshua called his boyfriends name. "Yes hyung" sunghoon said looking at the screen. "Let's tell them...." Joshua said. "Huh?" Sunghoon said, "let's tell them we're dating" Joshua said
"Sure hyung let's tell them" sunghoon said smiling while planting a kiss on the olders lips.

At school

Jungwon Jake and heeseung enter the school building. heeseung and jungwon was holding hands while walking through the hallway. Many eyes were on them, jungwon was really shy about people watching him so he removed his hands from the olders grip. Heeseung noticed and grabbed his boyfriend by the waist and pushed him against the locker and placed his forehead on the other. "Baby don't be shy they are looking at you because you're beautiful" heeseung told his boyfriend. He grabbed jungwon's hand and walk to their class. They then  got to their class, heeseung wanted to give jungwon a kiss but jungwon was still too shy, "come on baby just one kiss please" heeseung begged.  Fine just this once. Jungwon said giving heeseung a peck on his lips  and ran to his seat. Heeseung smirk at the younger's actions and walked to his seat.

Middle of the lecture jungwon  thought about teasing his boyfriend. Jungwon place his hands on heeseung thighs, making his way up to his member. Heeseung wondered what the younger was  up to so he didn't pay any attention to him. Jungwon then unbuttoned the older's pants and place his hands inside. Heeseung trying to hold back him self from exposing the youngers action. But failed
"Mr lee are you ok?" The teacher ask.  y-yes sir I'm ok um sir may jungwon and I be excused for I while I need to use the bathroom and I need his help? Heeseung said "sure you can" the teacher replied "thank you sir" heeseung said  pulling the youngers hand out his pants,and dragged jungwon with him.
"Hyung" jungwon said with a smile. Heeseung didn't say anything until he got to the bathroom. Heeseung lock the door so no one can get in, heeseung putted jungwon on the sink top and start kissing him, both made out with each other for a few minutes. "Hyung wait" Jungwon said "yesss baby" heeseung answered. "Are we going to do it here or should we go somewhere else". Jungwon said with a smirk on his face. "Right here baby I want you now"heeseung said nibbling on jungwon's neck while unbuttoning the younger's shirt. heeseung made his way to the younger's exposed chest  sucking onto his boyfriends skin making it red. Jungwon has his hands over his month so no one could hear. Jungwon's  moan was music to heeseung ears,  Jungwon thought about doing this..... making love to his boyfriend but not in the bathroom. Reality hits when the door knob started to move, heeseung place his hands over jungwon's mouth telling him not to make a noise. The knob stop moving and heeseung started to kiss jungwon's neck again.
"Hyung  wait" jungwon said. "For what wonnie" heeseung replied still kissing the youngers neck. "Let's let's not do it here my first time need to be special and not in our schools bathroom ," jungwon said giggling "okay baby" heeseung replied to the younger smiling. "Ummm so  my house tonight, mom went to america to see my grandparents, joshua hyung is somewhere and jake hyung is going to be  with sunoo so well have the house to our selves". Jungwon said looking into his boyfriends eyes. "Sure anything that make my baby  happy "heeseung said kissing jungwon once more.
They both fixed their uniform and went back to their class, but by the time they got there someone showed up.


Heeseung was shock to see who it was........

Surprise another chapter
I wanted to use Niki to be Joshua's boyfriend but he already has a partner so I used sunghoon.. let's see who is the mystery girl in the next chapter.
hope you enjoy this chapter, Thank you guys see you next week Sunday.


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