first time for everything

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Jungwon got up the morning seeing heeseung on his bed. He got up to get some water from downstairs. "Is heeseung hyung still sleeping" jake asked his brother, "yes he is ..... wait how did-" jungwon said surprised. "Yeah I saw you guys sleeping last night" jake said. "Oh " jungwon answered.

Jungwon finished what he was doing, when got upstairs heeseung was sitting up on his bed. "Hyung your up" jungwon said while sitting on his lap. Heeseung gave him a kiss" is this a dream am I really kissing you right now", Heeseung said. "Let's go on a date!" Jungwon said. "Where?" Heeseung aske. The amusement park!! Jungwon shouted. But I have no clothes" heeseung said. "I'll lean you some of Jake's hyungs clothes, go take a shower" Jungwon said.

Jungwon went down stairs and asked his brother if his new boyfriend/hyung could barrow some clothes, he said yes. jungwon got the clothes for his hyung and lay them on the bed.

Date #1 outfit (heeseung)

Date #1 outfit (jungwon)

After they got ready, Jungwon. Was wondering how will they get to the park.
Heeseung new a way to get their.
"Wonnie i have a motorbike we can take that". Heeseung stated. "You have a motorbike!!!," Jungwon yelled heeseung laughed. I'll call my friend to bring it.
Heeseung went to call someone to bring his bike for him so he could take his boyfriend on a date. Jungwon say someone coming on a motorcycle from up the road, he came to a stop it was jay on the bike. "Thanks bro" heeseung said grabbing his helmet from his friend. "Here safety first" jay said giving jungwon a helmet. "Thanks hyung" jungwon said.

(Heeseung motorcycle)

Jungwon got on the back of the motorcycle. "Hold on tight baby where leaving now" heeseung said. Jungwon tightens his grip on heeseung waist. "Don't worry baby we're almost there." Heeseung yelled. "ok hyung." Jungwon replied.

Heeseung finally came to a stop, they both jumped off the motorbike getting their stuffs ready to head inside the park.
"Wow it's so big" jungwon said while holding his boyfriends hands. "Hyung can we go on that ride?" Jungwon asked. "Sure wonnie let's go". Heeseung said.

Jungwon and heeseung enjoyed their date, they finally went home after a long day. Jungwon ask heeseung if he wanted to spend the night with him,Heeseung then said yes. On the way to jungwon's house something happened, jake called jungwon's phone.

Jake hyung calling

Jake hyung?

Wonnie where are you?

I'm with heeseung hyung why ?

Hurry back you have to see for your self

Ok hyung I'm on my way

Call ended

"Wonnie what happened?" heeseung asked." I dont know hyung I need to get home to find out". Jungwon said.
Few minutes after jungwon got home and opened the door. "Jake hyung I'm here what happened?" Jungwon ask seeing jake and two other figures in the kitchen.
"Mom!!!" Jungwon shouted and ran to give his mom a hug. "Ehh where's my hug" jungwon turned to see his older brother behind them.
Joshua hyung he said and gave his brother( joshua from seventeen, jungwon and Jake's older brother who was born in the states and lived with their grandparents when his parents moved).
"And he is" mrs yang said "Jungwon's boyfriend" jake whispered, "hyung" jungwon said hitting Jake's arm. " am I wrong" jake replied.
"Mom this is heeseung boyfriend" jungwon said, which made heeseung bowed in respect to his boyfriend's mom.
"Ahhh what a handsome guy I see my son has taste", mrs yang winked at jungwon while walking away.
"Mom!!"Jungwon said looking a little shy.
"What he is" she said laughing

While they all laugh in the living room watching a movie it was late and jungwon already invited his hyung to sleep over. He was very sleepy, heeseung noticed the younger falling asleep. He tapped the youngers side because he was on his lap laying. "Baby let's go to the room since you're feeling sleepy" heeseung said in his ears. "Ok hyung let's go... mom me and heeseung hyung are going to sleep now... goodnight" jungwon said repeated by heeseung.

Heeseung and jungwon got into the bed cuddling into each others arms.
"Hyung?" Jungwon called
"Yes wonnie" heeseung replied "my mom seems to like you, I wish my dad could meet you aswell" jungwon said in a soft sleepy voice. "Oh where is he?" Heeseung asked, "he passed away a year ago, he and jake hyung was visiting joshua hyung and my grandparents in LA but only he came home jake stayed because he misses my grandma and my dads plane crashed." Jungwon told his hyung. "Oh I'm sorry for your lost then baby," heeseung said. "No worries hyung he was a good person he would've liked you" jungwon said giggling. "Let's sleep now baby we have to go to school tomarrow." Heeseung said "Good night hyung" jungwon said  "good night wonnie " heeseung said kissing jungwon on his cheeks. "Good night my wonnie"heeseung repeated before falling asleep.

Another updated guys

Yaay this ep wasn't that exciting but I find it really cute. And i had to add joshua in this he really fits the role of being jungwon and Jake's older brother. So stay tuned for more of his appearance.

Spoiler joshua might find someone. But I wont go further let's just wait and see what happens
Ps joshua jake and heeseung has the same last name and same parents the only difference is that the two younger boys are korean and joshua is from america.

Hope you love it byeeeeee see you next week monday


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