i like u

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"Yang jungwon i know this sudden but i i like you i like you very much" heeseung confessed while hugging jungwon's tiny body. "Hyung i i don't know what to say" jungwon said. "Do you like me? " heeseung said letting the boy go.

Jungwon stared at heeseung not knowing what to say. Alot thoughts were going through his head. He knew he liked heeseung as well but was too scared to admit it. The only person that knew he liked heeseung was Daniel. After long thinking jungwon decided to let heeseung knew his feelings also.
Heeseung was about to walk away when he felt hands wrapped around his waist. "Hyung, I like you too" jungwon said in a soft voice.
Heeseung was so happy he turned and looked at the younger in the eyes."REALLY!!"Heeseung shouted quietly. "Yes really" jungwon said with a smile.
"I've always like you hyung you were too distracted with your friends and bullying people and that girl I saw you with earlier". Jungwon said looking really sad. Heeseung was whipped by the younger's cuteness, he pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "jungwon?" Heeseung called.
"Mmmm!!" Jungwon answered. "Can I kiss you?" Heeseung ask the younger another question. "Of course you ca-" jungwon was cut off by a pair of lips. Heeseung peaked jungwon's lips and looked at  him. Jungwon gave heeseung a *why did you stop * kinda look. So heeseung slowly moved towards jungwon and place his lips on the younger's. Their lips move slowly in sync. Jungwon wrapped his arms around the older's neck and same with heeseung but on jungwon's waist. Heeseung picked jungwon up and place him on  a desk in a classroom which is where they made out. Heeseung still didn't believe he had the boy he was in love with in his arms. "Hyung wait" jungwon said. What's Up? Heeseung ask. I'm hungry" Jungwon answered with a smile. "Let's go eat then shall we". Heeseung said , jungwon nodded.

Heeseung and jungwon finished their meal and were on their way to their dorms,

They finally reached jungwon's dorm, jungwon gave heeseung a high before he went into his room.  "Jungwon?" Heeseung ask.
"Yes hyung" jungwon replied
"Thank you" heeseung said. "For what hyung?" jungwon ask. "For returning my feelings",Heeseung said with a smile. "Your welcome hyung but it's getting late you should go home now". Jungwon stated as he closed the doors to his house.

"Where were you" jake said
"Yes jungwon where were you" sunoo followed after while cuddling his boyfriend.
"I was with hee- uh Daniel I was with daniel." Jungwon said nervously.  "Mmmm Daniel huh"sunoo said "Hey guys me an jay hyung need he- "daniel ran out the kitchen and saw jungwon. "Umm I'll be in my room then" jungwon said as he went up the stairs.
Since when did jay and Daniel together.

(Daniel confessed to jay the same time heeseung did to jungwon but in different locations).

"Ayya" jungwon shook his head. "I wander if hyung is already home"

Calling bambi hyung


I'm just calling to see
If  you already
Got home

Yes I did wonnie in fact I was about to call you *laughs*

Oh hahaha
So what are you doing right now

Nothing just reading why

Um do you perhaps wanna come over?

When heeseung heard come over he got up off his bed and put some clothes on while still on the phone.

What time


Ok I'll be there in twenty minutes

Hyung don't come through the front door my brother and his boyfriend jay and Daniel are also there


Their dating long story
Bye hyung see you later

Call end

Jungwon waited for heeseung but fell asleep..........

Here's something thing for the mean time..... update on sunday as always thank you
I'm shocked two jay and Daniel together hahaha damn
But ehhh still cute


I need u / HEEWONWhere stories live. Discover now