Chapter 16:Ouch.

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Chapter 16:Ouch.

I've never felt so good in my bed. I had a smile on my face like never before. I'm gonna be alpha.

"Get up." My eyes fluttered open to Travis on top of me, in some Adidas pants, a wife beater, gym shoes, and a whistle.

"Nigga, it's 4 am, get the fuck out of the Alphas room."

"It's my room too, dear. It's training time."

I must've left out the part where I had to live with Travis in his room!

"Get off or you're gonna be missing a finger." I growled, pushing him aside with one hand. He didn't budge.

"Weak as fuck." He chuckled, getting up, picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"It's training time, Alpha."


"I'm .....gonna..... kill you." I say with every breath, as I was working on my 100th push up.

"I'd like to see you try, babe." Travis said, smacking my ass so hard, it jiggled for twenty seconds.

"Don't touch my booty!"

"I'll do what I want."

"Whatever, Luna." I said, a little smirk breaking out onto my face.

"Take that shit back."

"What you gonna do about it, white out?" He pulled on my leg, making me fall on my face.


"You've done it now." I got up, throwing a butterfly kick his way. He dodged it, getting behind me, and pinning me to a far back wall, hand over my mouth.

"I'm going to kill you." He said as his eyes darkened and his face turned to stone

My heart stopped, as shock entered my body. my blood froze, and my entire body grew goosebumps as a random shiver ran through my body.

"See? You're not ready. Your a weakling, a scaredy cat, a punk, a PUSSY. Grow some fucking balls if you want to stay alive....."Alpha"." He let go of me, leaving me to fall to the floor as he left the gymnasium.

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