Chapter 6: The Academy Of Sluts and Wannabee Bad Asses.

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Chapter 6: Welcome To The Academy Of Sluts and Wannabee Bad Asses.


I growled.

" What, Mr. I sent my Rejected Mate to an Academy because she twerked at a party!?" He smirked.

" You should be happy I did.

" But don't worry, you won't be there completely alone." Travis still had that same grin on his face, coming closer to me, and pulling on my hair lightly. I stared at him, smacking his hand.

" Don't touch my weave. It's a hundred percent human."

" I forbid you to wear weave. If it's not out of your head in three hours, you're dead." He smiled and left the room. Shit.

This weave was ninety dollars too.


I styled my hair. It's so short like Rihanna's. I dyed my bang a dark red. But still,

I'm not happy.

I walked towards the couch and he looked at me.

" Good. Now all you need is some proper clothes."

" I can't believe you think you have the ner-"

" Oh yes, I have a lot of nerve. What are you gonna do about it?" I jumped onto his, pushing him down to the ground and saddled him. I started punching at his face but he dodged them. He then grabbed my fists.

" Enough! God, give up already. I'm too strong for you."

" But I tackled you. Not that strong."

" Just shut up." He looked away. As we sat there, realization the hit my face.

I was sitting on his private square!Saddling him! I tried to get up but he pulled me back down.

" Stop." He smirked.

" Realization just hit you?" I blushed, trying to get back up but he just pulled me back down. " Good. This is your punishment. We're gonna have to be like this one day anyway...In a bed."

" Stop, my ears are hurting!" I shook my head. He grinned.

" This is too much fun but you know you want it."

" No I don't. Not from you!"

" Awe, are you still a virgin?" I looked away from his mischevious sparking eyes, blushing a bright red.

Hey, black people blush too, okay?

" You are?" Travis eyes widened.

" Suprising isn't it? I guess you think all black girls would just find some gangster to fuck her. I'm smarter than that. I don't want to end up with STDs or HIVs by some random guy I don't know. Plus, I don't want to have to raise a kid on my own."

" Wow. You're pretty smart aren't you?" I could tell he was teasing me.

" Well I've learned my lesson so can I get up now?"

" One more thing." He pulled me in closer, licking my face.

"EWWWWWW!!!!" I got up screaming, running into the bathroom. I got out some soap and scrubbed my cheek. Travis snuck into the bathroom and grabbed my waist.

" Awe, don't be a baby. You know you liked it." I struggled in Travis arms, trying to break free.

" Stop teasing me." He chuckled biting my cheek

" You're the color of chocolate but you don't taste like it." I glared at him. " Anyways, be ready for school tommorow, I'll be taking you." Travis pushed me away, roughly, and left the villa.

I need to take a twenty four hour shower.NOW.


I woke up from dreaming and jumped out of bed. I washed up, styled my hair, did a little of make up miracle, and slid on the school uniform. I had on a red mini plaid skirt, white thigh length stockings, black eight inch heels, a white short sleeved polo, and a red sweater vest with the School's logo. I picked up my black messenger bag, filled with magazines, candy, lipgloss, my mini Ipad, and my Beats head phones.

I walked down the stairs that led to the living room. Travis was relaxing on the couch in a uniform too.


He looked at me." Finally."

" Well who told you to come over?" He glared at me.

" You're my girlfriend, I have to drive you." I blushed.

" We're not a thing, okay?"

" As much as I would like that," He stood up. " We have no choice so lets get in the car and I'll get you some Starbucks." I rolled my eyes. We walked outside to his car which was really nice. It was a red Lamborghini.

" Nice car, Mr. Mc Spoiled."

" Why thank you." He opened the door for me. I said my thanks as I got in and buckled my seat belt. Who knows how he drives. We got some quick Starbucks then we were on our way to school. He even let me pick the radio station. When he heard it was Hip Hop, he made me change it so I put on pop. He doesn't like Rap.

But hey, it was better than listening to Rock.

Once we got to the school and parked, of course everyone was staring. We were the new students and we are like Yin and Yang at the moment. He opened the door for me and I got out, with my Frappe in my right hand. He held my left in his hand. We entangled our fingers and walked towards the school. People just looked at us. Just because we're acting like a couple,

It doesn't mean I like him.


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