Chapter 1: Being Black.

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Chapter 1: Being Black

Unlike other Werewolves, I'm black, baby. You might all think that there are only Caucassian people who are Werewolves and even I don't know how I came to be apart of this "White family". The old lady who claims to be my new Mother told me that my parents couldn't take care of a wild child like me. The old man who claims to be my new Father told me, he found me in the Woods, surrounded by Hungry Rogues when I was wrapped up in a blanket, only a baby. But since Aunt Quanteasha told me to never trust white people, I don't know if I would ever come to love them. I also hate white people even more...

Every since my Mate rejected me because I'm black.


I was hanging out with my friend who's human and knows my secret.Her name is Destiny. She's black.

" Sooo, do you want me to shank him? It's not the classiest thing to do but for you I will." Pause, Destiny's Mom and Dad are rich. Her Mom owns her own clothing line, her own store, park, and Mall that I get huge discounts from. Her Dad is a Ceo. So it's important to be classy for the image.

See, some black people are decent, I just wish Travis knew that. I sipped my smoothie and guess who walked through the door?

Travis Morrison. Speak of the blue haired devil. I looked away as he passed the table, acting like the incident two days ago didn't happen. I heard his foot steps stop in it's track. My heart stopped, my stomach churned, and I poured down sweat. I also felt dizzy. Yup, I was coming down with TravisSyndrome. He scared me every since that day when I splashed his Coke on him. That look in his eye, plus,

Travis is really powerful.

His Pack is powerful and strong, he's filthy rich, he's friends with the friggin' president, and with one click of a button, you can dissapear off the face of the Earth and no one would remember you. That's how powerful he was.

Maybe I should've held in my temper that day.

"Blackie, follow me." Racist as fuck!!!! I swallowed as I stayed in my seat." Bitch, get the fuck up and follow me. Next time I repeat myself, it won't be pretty." I stood up from the bench, and walked away from the lunch table dissapearing into the Hallway. I was then pushed hard into the locker. I fell on my butt, looking up at Travis.

"Luna blood, huh? Dosen't look like it. Listen bitch and listen good. I'm only accepting your ass into my pack is because my Dad told me I have to so don't get cocky about this late desicion. After school, bring your sorry ass to my house and if you're late, you will get punished." He threw me the piece of paper with his adress and left. If he think he can own me,

He's wrong.

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