Chap 10:Cornbread

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Chap 10: Cornbread

" Who makes their entrance?"

" Travis, Mother." Travis said as we walked in. All the white people glared at me as I took off my hoodie and the butler took it from me. I sat down in the chair Travis pulled out for me and turned my classy hoe swag on.

"What a fine night this is. Wouldn't you agree, Amour ?" I smiled at Travis, whose eyes widened with surprise when I called him love in french. I place my hand over his, sending him a look saying 'play along or I'll beat your ass'.

"Yes, honey."

Travis's mom rolled her eyes and started talking about making money. "Yes, indeed, we'll need the extra money for the pack and I just don't know I will fix this predicament."

"I always say, leave it to the men." A blonde women said, making all the women giggle.

"I always say, Women can do what Men can do." Everyone glared at me as I smiled.

"Sugar, don't be ridiculous." Travis rolled his eyes.

"Ladies, do any of you know about Rosy the Riveter?"

They all stayed silent.

"Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the U.S, representing the American women who worked in factories during WWII, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs, replacing the male workers who were in the military. Rosie the Riveter is commonly used as a symbol of feminism and women's economic power. Like I said, women can do what men can do." I smiled as they all look dumbfounded.

"Now, I'm going to speak only truth with all of you." I took a deep breath."You crackers thought you were going to embarrass me and make me feel like shit because I'm African American. Well you thought wrong, baby. Keep ya discrimination to yourself."

As I stand up, the food is brought to the table. I walk away, shouting, "And keep your nasty ass cornbread. White people can't make cornbread to save their life!"

Sorry its short but I just wanted you guys to know im still alive. lol

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