Chapter 12: Travis Likes To.... Part II

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Chapter 12: Travis Likes To... Part  II

As we got home, I changed into some yoga shorts, and a white tank top.  As I exited the bathroom,  Travis  stood in my door way with a  black wife beater and some black sweats.

" You staying? "

"Yep. "

"Great." I rolled my eyes but was quickly pinned up to the wall, face to face with it.

"Think I was playing when I said we were gonna fight?"

"No. I just didn't think you were dumb enough. " I growled, breaking from his hold and kicking him straight in the chest.  He flew back, but caught his balance, crouched to the floor.  He growled, coming out me, but I dodged it, running from my room on all fours.  He followed me all the way to the living room and attacked me from behind.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you'd be dry humping me. "

"Never think that, black girl. " In one effortless move, he flipped me over on my back. My wolf whimpered as he pinned me back down. I stared into his Wolf form eyes. They were crystal white, with a tiny tint of blue.  His pupils were more size but a dark blue.  Not black.  Under his eyes were tiny veins that pop out when your changing forms.

"Okay,  fine you win. " I rolled my eyes but smiled. "

"Good. " I laughed and ran my hands through his hair.  His eyes went back to normal and widened as he blushed. I moved in closer, smirking.


His blue hair fell to the floor.  I showed him the scissors.  "Momma always has a back up plan. " I got up and ran for my life. I knew I was going to get it.

"You. Are. Dead!!!"

Next morning, I found myself styling Winter's hair.  I jelled it up, shaved up the back, and he looked like a sexier Justin Bieber with black hair.

"I look like a fag. "

"Honey boo, you already looked like that from the start. "

"This is all your fault, blackie. "

"No it's not, ya damn saltine cracker.  You should've never took my phone, or tried to fight me.  You're paying the price. " I smiled. "Now school awaits, white crayola crayon. "

"How unique. " He rolled his eyes while we walked to his car.

"I got more. Crack,  Whip cream, Vanilla, White Paint, Paper,  White nigga, Cloud, Marshmallow,  Icing,"

"Brownie, Niglet, Chocolate, brown sugar,  shit,  night time,  Oreo." Travis fought back.

"You know what, fuck you."

"Not even on your birthday. "

We arrived to school, hand in hand, like we were a thing, which would never happen.  We got the usual stares and whispers.  I growled and stared at Travis.  "Can we leave? "

"No. "

"Why the fuck not?"

"We can't just leave school. "

"For big talk,  you a pussy."

"Be quiet, black cat. "

" I like that nick name. "

"Fine,  blackie. "

"Fuck you. "

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