Chapter 18: Teaching Travis How To Dance.

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Chapter 18: Teaching Travis How To Dance.

-If you wanna see travis dance, link up top! And of course, he's the white boy cx -

Also check out my two new books, fancy jail and earth mates <3

I couldn't sleep next to Travis that night, I seen him whole. I couldn't stop imagining it..

My eyes wouldn't even shut.

I sighed, and decided to give myself a pep talk. "Listen, bitch. You gotta wake up early as fuck tomorrow, train, then take care of a whole fucking pack of dogs. If you don't sleep right now, I'm gonna kill you. Well, myself." I took one deep breath, then closed my eyes.


"Yea, I can't sleep." I mumbled, and got out of bed. I grabbed my ipod and my dock and walked out the room, to the gymnasium, two minutes away. I plugged in my ipod and played some shakira, and practiced my hip shaking.

Then I put a little roll action in my stomach, and bend my knees a little, getting ready to twerk.

"Can't sleep?" I could tell it was Travis by his scent. I turned off my music and turned to him.

"No. You?"


"Well you don't have to go sleep but you can't stay here."

"This is my house."

"Says the Luna." I smirked and Travis chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

This didn't help my ovaries.

"I can be some sort of entertainment.... Teach me how to dance."

"No way, emo boy. Stick to your "moshing"."

"Oh come on, it won't be that hard to teach me... Just one dance."

"Fine. What do you want to learn?"

"That arm snake swivel thing."

"You mean this?" I moved my arms side to side, like waves. "That's too complex for beginners."

"Well teach me something all you little black kids do."

"Watch your mouth... And fine. I'll teach you how to whip and nae nae, but don't get me wrong, alot of white people do it too. Anybody can." I rolled my eyes.

I showed an example of my whip. I did it a few times to the nasty remix.

"Now you do it."

Travis hit his whip, and it did not look good. I bursted out and laughter.

"Too stiff. There's a good start, though."

Travis focused a little bit, and relaxed his body before trying again and I gotta admit,

White boy can dance.

His nae nae was perfect. It was like he was born a dancer. Watching him dance was kinda turning me on. He was doing way better than a Chicago black boy actually.

"Okay one more dance." I smiled, putting on migos.

"What now?" Travis asked.

"Bitch, dab!" I hit my dab, flawlessly. I put my whip, my nae nae, and my dab together, doing a little dougie action in the pauses.

"It's kinda like you're sneezing but you do it, with style." I explained. Travis nodded, throwing his arms up in a dab motion. "You gotta move your body too."

He threw his arms to the right and moved to the right.

"Opposite directions."

"This is stupid. "

"Do you wanna be a black boy or not?"

"I'd have dreads if I wanted to."

"Your hair ain't nappy enough. You gonna have them soggy ass white people dreads with the hippy beads and shit."


"Exactly. Now bitch, dab!" I hit my dab so hard, I was feeling myself. After he hit it a little more, he was getting way better. I even took a little video on my phone.

"Eeeeeee! White nigga can dance!" I cheered in the background. On my screen, I saw travis in a white tee, some adidas skinny soccer pants that were sagging, and some nike slippers.

He even looked black.

He was whipping, nae naeing, and dabbing. Plus, he was hitting other moves that I didn't know he could do. He caught on to moving his arms like waves, and he could drop down to his legs pretty good, pick it up, and end in a whip. We were both having fun. I put down my phone and started twerking on him, laughing at the same time. He was grabbing my ass, slapping my ass, explicit music video type shit.

I turned around to face him. "Where did this black boy come from?" I smiled, highly attracted to this side of him.

"I've been here the whole time. You've seen my dick."

My face froze in shocked as he nae naed away, still facing me.

"Bitch, dab!" Travis said, hitting his dab. Then he piped it up, before leaving the gym.


I think I like him now.

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