Black People 21

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Chapter 21: Black People

"Charlie, what are you doing?!" Someone shouted at the door of the room I was trapped in. It was a beautiful black women in a long red elegant gown with long red curls to match. Her green eyes and dove chocolate skin took my mind off my situation for a second.

"Hands off my daughter."

Charlie jumped up. "Yes, my queen."


I mean.....WHAT?!

She slowly walked over to me, taking my hand and pulled me up. " I'm so sorry about that... I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry for leaving you behind, my dear. It's all okay now. I will take my role as a mother as of today."

"You''re my mom?" I asked in silence, shocked.

"Yes. You're a princess, and I know I look young but I'm dying, so I need you to take the throne. Now I know this is alot to handle right now, but you will know more later."

"Wait... So you haven't reached out for all these damn years but now since you dying, you wanna see me? Bull. Shit! I'm out!" I yanked away but she yanked me back in.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I was going through alot of things. I've been trying to locate your father, I've been running a pack of wolves, hybrids, and vampires. I've been doing this alone. I need you. I need you here..."

I sighed but a bitch was tired so I played along. "Fine. I need a bath, some clothes, and a hot plate."

"Okay, honey." My mom smiled. "This is your thrall, Charlie."

"I'm her thrall?! You promised-"

"For now." My mom insured Charlie, cutting her off. " Grow on her first." He nodded but pouted in a manly, hot way. "He will escort you to your actual room."


I felt too good in this palace. First off my room was Romeo and Juliet type baller, I got to have all the food I want, all the dresses, and all the servants I wanted. The princess life wasn't bad, it was Charlie who was annoying me.

"I'm so bored." He moaned, sitting by my bedroom door.

"Entertain yourself." I sighed, laying on my bed, flipping through tv channels.


"Go fuck a princess."

"Can't. My orders from the queen was to serve you."

"You're dismissed."

"You can't do that."

"Well.. Shut up!" I growled and rolled my eyes.

He scoffed at me but obeyed."Whatever."

Ugh, he makes me wish Travis. I thought to myself.

As Charlie opened the door, my mother walked through the door and sat on my bed. "How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm stuck in a boring castle with a ginger annoying me." Charlie glared at me till his orbs turned red but looked away when I paid him no attention.

"Boring? Honey, we're not boring. There's a recreation center downstairs in the basement if you'd like to go down and play some games."

"I guess." I got up, lazily and walked towards the door with my mom.

"Charlie will accompany you too." Charlie nodded and followed. Every hall I walked, people bowed at me. I felt honestly awkward from being treated so highly but I guess there's no stopping royalty. It was a modern castle. People wore regular but fancy clothes, there was technology and popular music. People didn't speak like " Art thou fuck you", they spoke normally. Overall, it was an okay place, untill there was an uproar.

"Trespasser coming through!!!" I saw guards dressed like actual nights, dragging a man in by chains and I could not believe who I saw.


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