Chapter 11:Travis Likes To....

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Chapter 11:Travis Likes To...Part1

I'm sorry it's short but I'm still alive and breathing and this book is now alive again. I've got so much planned for it. I just need more time.  I will try 4th of update it once a week. Sorry for the long wait, honey bunches.

Enjoy this little bit for now.

"What the hell was that!?" Travis asks me as we're driving home.

"Dunno, stuff." I said, putting my hoodie back on.

"You are too bold."

"I know, you don't gotta tell me that, boo boo."

"Well you can't disrespect them like that. You gotta drop this attitude."

"As long as they don't feed me bogus ass corn bread. "

"That's not funny. "

"Yea it is.  Why white people food so damn tasteless? It's called seasoning and hot sauce. "

"Just be quiet, because I can't handle you right now. "

"Alright, fine. " I rolled my eyes, patted my head, and sat in his car. He looked at me.

"Punishing yourself?"

"No niggardly, my scalp was itching. "

"So why don't you just scratch? "

"Because hair grease will get underneath my nails and it'll fuck up my hair. "

"Stop cursing so damn much.  It's not classy. "

"I'm a classy bad bitch. I'm not white girl classy, like those bitches who play Crockett or Golf. I'm that Gucci, Versace, type of classy with the fat ass like Nicki. "

"What? " Winter looked at me, confused and his eyebrows knitted together.

"Fuck you. "

"That's it. When we're out of this car, we're fighting. "

"Squad up, nigga!"

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