Chapter 20: The Balance Is Restored

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Chapter 20: The Balance Is Restored

"I can't believe that nigga." I growled, back in my room. After Travis bit me, he basically took off to fight the rogues off. We won the fight and things are normal for now.

I looked in the mirror, at the mark he left. It was bruised and purple. As I heard him enter our room, I instantly pinned him to the floor in two seconds.

"You are soo dead."

"It was the only way I could help my pack, babe. You get it right?"

"That doesn't give you a right to Netflix and chill me!!!"

"I did what an alpha would do."

"I'm the alpha!"

"Not anymore." I slapped him hard on his right cheek as he winced and put on his angry expression. He pushed me off so hard, I flew back into our bed frame. I growled, feeling a tear burn my eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry-" Travis reached out.

"Don't touch me. This is what you wanted, right?! Men always have to be in charge!!!" I got up, stumbling a little, then ran out of our room. He ran after me, I ran, running down the stairs. He jumped over the railing of the stairs, and landed perfectly. I twisted around to go up the stairs. As soon as I lift my right foot, I found myself falling backwards. Fast.

I hit rock bottom.


I found myself in the bathroom with Travis making me a bubble bath in the huge Jacuzzi bath tub. I inhaled, and exhaled shakily. My body hurt. I moaned in pain and Travis turned off the bath.

"There, it's ready." He started to leave but I stopped him.

"I need you to undress me."

His whole face turned red.


"Well hurry nigga, i'm in pain."

He walked over to me and started with my shirt. I started blushing as my pink bra came into view and as my black lacy thong popped out. Travis looked away for a moment, taking a breather then turned back around. He closed his eyes as he took off my bra. I sighed in relief as he kept his eyes closed. Afterwards he helped me over to the bath and I sat in the hot bubbly water.


"Yea. I'll be out there if you need anything. I'll bring you a change of clothes."


I sat on the couch, as Travis made steak and watched some TV.

"So... Is the pack okay?"


"Good.." I frowned. " I hope your whole little act was worth it."

"Are you still dwelling on that? Grow up! You don't always get what you want."

"Whatever." I said, touching my new mark that felt smooth. "Wait." I furrowed my eyebrows and ran into tge bathroom.

It faded.

His mark faded.

"Yes!!!!" Travis came into the bathroom and also came to realization. "Bye nigga." I sped to the door, him fastly blocking me.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Watch me-"

"I'm serious. It's dangerous out there at midnight. You're gonna wanna listen."

"I don't care." I growled, pulling him out of my way, onto the floor. Then just like the flash, I was out in the rain, in the forest, and turning into my wolf form. I felt so happy at the moment, so free. It felt good to run. Run from all the stress, problems, and back stabbers.

I was gone for good.

In my mind, I had no mate.

And he thought the same thing.

I winced, being pinned down by a burnt orange haired wolf with red eyes. I tried to get back up on all four paws but when he howled, I was surrounded by more wolves with the same colored eyes.

I laid my wolf head on the muddy terrain as the unknown wolf sniffed my neck slowly, and then thunder roared as he bit into my flesh. In that dazed moment while I was limp on this wolf's back, I noticed two things.

One, I had two mates.

Two, I hated my life.


I awoke in a all black skimpy gown, laying in a California king bed with silk black sheets. As I looked at my surroundings, I noticed the room had grey stone walls, a concrete floor a end table with a silver goblet of water, a black loveseat, a polar bear rug and one window. It was dark but lightly lit with candles in each corner of the room, on silver wall platters. I rose up to my feet instantly walking to a rusty door that had a tiny window with holes. The door was locked. I looked through the window. The place looked somewhat like a castle.

"Anyone? Anyone there?"

"You're awake." I twisted around, startled, seeing a guy behind me with the velvety, smooth like gelato voice. He has orange long locks, pulled back in a bun, red eyes, and pale porcelain skin with millions of freckles. His cheekbones reached towards the sky, he has full watermelon pink lips, and almond shaped sexy eyes. He has the perfect Ken from barbie nose, and a hoop piercing on the left side. He looked pretty tall and he wore a black button down shirt, some black torn skinny jeans that sagged partially, black drawers, and all black vans. Around his neck he wore a diamond cross.

"Who are you?" I gulped, backing away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.

"I'm your mate."

"No you ain't." I tried to pull away but he weakened me as his eyes sparkled. "You're... You're a vampire-"

"I'm a hybrid, baby." He chuckled, instantly pinning me on the bed. "That means you get the best of both worlds." I tried to loosen his grip but couldn't. I could only notice his black tunnel plugs, and the crown shaped birthmark on his neck.

He's royalty.

"Sorry, your um.. Highness, but I'm not your mate. I already have one." He smirked, pulling away but still saddled on my lap.

"I know. I can smell him on you. Too late now, though. I stole you away."

"That's not possible!"

"It is when you're a hybrid." He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck, then biting my shoulder, causing a sharp pain in my body as my back arched. I could feel myself losing blood as he drained me. He pulled away, my back dropping onto the mattress, breathless.

"I'm not just gonna steal you, I'm gonna make you fully mine." He spoke, taking off the black slip, revealing my underwear.

"Stop. It's not funny."

He wasn't stopping.

"Stop! Please stop! I'll do anything you ask, just please stop!" As my breast revealed, I noticed he wasn't stopping for nobody.

Damn, Travis was right.

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