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Astronomy with Fred wasn't so bad. Charlie didn't mind him when he was alone and she wasn't being watched by Slytherins. It hurt Charlie that their friendship couldn't go beyond that.

"Hey, Char!" Sophia approached her as Charlie walked out of the library. Charlie smiled at her friend.


Sophia held her books in her arms, looking at Charlie hopefully. "So, Hogsmeade weekend. I was thinking Me, you and Theo could hang out with the Weasley twins. They're quite fun to be around, I'd say. Plus I heard you and Fred were getting along in astronomy?" She asked the girl.

Charlie cringed, pulling Sophia to the side. The hallway was empty so nobody would hear what Charlie was about to say but she felt bad. "Soph, you know I'd love that but... I can't be seen around them. Theo definitely can't. You know how it is..." Charlie was saddened by this, Sophia was about to respond before she looked behind Charlie's shoulder and cringed. The sound of someone clearing their voice caused Charlie to turn around as well.

In front of the two girls stood the Weasley Twins. Charlie opened her mouth to say something but Fred held his hand up, "Save it, Rosier. We'd rather not be seen with the likes of you anyways." He spoke before walking away. George and Sophia followed.

Astronomy tonight was gonna be awkward.

Charlie was now sitting in Theodores room, the two were sharing a joint. "I just don't get it. I wish they understood but I'm glad they don't. I just wish Soph would understand, maybe she wouldn't be so mad at me then..." Charlie sighed, taking a puff from the joint. Theodore nodded in agreement.

Charlie and Theo loved Sophia with their whole hearts, but in a way the two were much closer. They both understood each other's situation. It wasn't easy having such terrible people as parents, you still loved them but they were disgusting. They raised you but really, you were raised by your house elves and yourself. Maybe your older sibling if you were lucky. The Weasleys may understand having busy parents but they'd never understand having parents who hated who you were at your core, they'd never understand having parents who used you for an 'image' and tortured you if you distorted it. Theo and Charlie were glad people like the Weasleys and Sophia wouldn't understand. Surely, they had their own hardships but it was much easier to understand a boy from a family of nine being unable to afford a new robe or a girl being sad because she found out her family wasn't her real family than it was to understand a rich, pureblood kid being sad because no matter how much they spend, they cant buy their parents love. Or time.

Charlie tried for a long time to fit the perfect image her mother wanted, she tried to hate people with 'dirty blood' and she tried to understand Voldemort's values. She just couldn't.

Eventually, she gave up.

One Charlie was baked and the sun was down, she made her way to Astronomy for a second time. Partners weren't allowed to be changed so Charlie and Theo had come up with two predictions. Fred just wouldn't show up or he would but he wouldn't say a word. Neither were ideal.

Fred had shown up, the two were sitting at their table awkwardly. Charlie was higher than she had originally intended as she was zoning off as Professor Sinastra taught. Eventually, it was time to work on their star charts. Fred placed his quill down loudly and Charlie snapped out of her daze. "Sorry." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she grabbed her quill. Looking at the star chart they had to create, Charlie looked into the telescope.

After a few minutes of work, the silence lingering, Fred finally broke the silence. "How come you're fine with being seen with me in the classroom but not at Hogsmeade. Because the dark hides us? Nobody will see you being with a blood traitor?" Fred taunted her, a sneer in his voice.

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