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Things weren't the same between Fred and Charlie but they were definitely better. She shared Herbology and DADA with both Fred and George and her Free Period with just Fred.

The two were sitting in the library on their free period right now.

"C'mon Charlie! We don't even have school work right now!" Fred whined, It was the first Thursday of the school year, Fred was right they didn't have schoolwork. "Lets go to my room, we can listen to records and you can help me think of a prank idea."

Charlie huffed, shutting her book. "Fine. If I fail potions, I'm blaming you."

The two made their way to the Gryffindor Common Room. Once they were in Fred's room, Charlie put a Motley Crue record in while Fred grabbed notebooks and pencils. Charlie sat across from him on the bed as he flipped through the pages. There was a diagram of one of the twins' heads with a hat on it. The diagram moved, showing a bunny hopping out as the hat lifted. "Look!" Fred showed Charlie. "We want something like this outside our shop!"

Charlie watched the drawing in awe, a smile appearing on her face. Fred blushed at this, it was hard to make Charlie smile these days. "It's amazing!" She leaned in closer to get a better look.

When Charlie looked at Fred, she noticed how close their faces were. Fred seemed to have noticed too. It made Charlie feel sick, not in a butterflies kind of way. Fred placed his hands on either side of her face, pulling her closer. Charlie cringed internally. "Fred!" She spoke, much louder than she intended to. Fred quickly dropped his hands from her face, looking at her with concern.

Charlie ran her hands across her face. "I-I'm sorry, Fred- I just- not yet, I'm sorry- I don't think i'll ever really be able to be close like that- not just with you! With a- anyone. N-not anymore, atleast." Her eyes betrayed her, tears rolling down her face as she began breathing heavily.

Fred looked at Charlie. He hadn't realised until now how bad it had been. He had an idea but the pages he had read in Charlie's notebook were very discreet. "Charlie- Charlotte, that's okay, love. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it worse. It's okay darling, it'll be okay." He spoke to her, holding her hand softly. Charlie nodded as she sobbed inaudibly.

Eventually, Charlie ended up in Freds arms, she cried as he held her. It was scary at first, being in a man's arms but, It was Fred. Charlie felt safe.

Once her mascara had run down her face and all her tears dried, she fell asleep. Fred laid there, stroking her hair. When George and Theo came in, Fred shushed them quietly. Charlie needed to sleep. "What happened?" Theo asked, concern laid in his expression.

Fred cringed, "You'll have to ask her. It doesn't make sense without the full story."

Theodores face hardened as he spoke. "She told you the full story?" His fists clenched.

Fred shook his head, "George and I, well, we kinda snooped in her room over the summer. She does miss you, yknow. She's worried you'll think she's too different now."

Theo nodded silently, taking the information in.

Charlie stretched herself as she woke up, rubbing the sleep off her eyes. She looked up at Fred as she laid in his arms. She began to get uncomfortable. She compared him to the men from this summer, their physical similarities. Quickly, she pushed herself off of him, hugging herself with her arms. "Sorry I fell asleep." She mumbled, a blush creeping onto her face. Fred laughed, waving his hand. "It's no problem."

Charlie made her way back to her dorm in the Ravenclaw tower, wishing she wasn't so fucked up.

When Friday rolled around, Fred and George invited Charlie to a party. A 'back to school' party aka a reason to get drunk. Charlie graciously agreed.

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