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School had been going well for Charlie. She spent most of her time with Fred or with Avery, Piper and Finn. Recently, Fred and Charlie had been hanging out in the little room in the room of requirements. It was never there during DADA, luckily.

The two hadn't spoken of their kiss. Charlie had assumed Fred had forgotten about it. They both drank quite a bit of firewhiskey.

Her feelings for Fred had become obvious to her friends, they had tried to convince her to admit them but she would carry it to her grave if she had to. She didn't know if Fred still felt the same, it was hard to tell.

To everyone but themselves, they were basically dating. They ate together, walked to classes together, hung out after classes together and they were the happiest with each other. Neither of them would admit their feelings, though.

Fred wanted to, he really did. But, he didn't want to scare Charlie. Every time he almost did, he thought back to when he almost kissed her and she ended up crying. He never wanted to be the reason she cried again.

Charlie opened up to Fred, alot. She was comfortable sharing her trauma with him now. If only she could put it into words.

Sometimes, the two would have sleepovers in the room of requirements. They'd collect food from the kitchens and spend the night talking and laughing before they cuddled each other to sleep.

It was all purely platonic, of course.

The end of the year was getting closer, Umbridge was getting worse. N.E.W.Ts and O.W.Ls were in three weeks. Charlie could feel something off with Fred and George.

Tonight, Fred was going to meet Charlie in the room of requirements, upon his request.

Charlie was prepared for anything. She had hoped that maybe, he'd admit his feelings for her. Piper hoped the same. The two were sitting in Charlie's dorm, talking about it.

"I hope he does, wouldn't it be amazing?" Charlie smiled widely, thinking of it. Finally, a simple relationship with the boy she'd like for at least two years now.

Piper nodded. "I think he definitely will! I can see it now!"

When it was time for Charlie to go, she was full of excitement. Hopefully it would be something good.

She hurried to the room of requirement, not wanting to wait a second longer. "Hey!" She smiled at Fred as she stood in the room.

The look on his face was anything but exciting.

"What is it?" Charlie asked, concerned on her face.

When their eyes met, Charlie knew. She had suspicions of this before but god, she hoped they weren't true. Her blue eyes filled with tears of disappointment, anger and sadness. "You're leaving, aren't you."

Fred nodded silently.

Charlie began pacing, wiping her hands across her face. "Rowena, I'm so stupid." Her voice cracked, filled with anger. "When?"

Fred looked at his feet, trying to avoid Charlie's face. "Tomorrow."

Charlie stopped. Looking at the boy with teary eyes. Nodding her head. "Okay."

Fred met her eyes. "That's it?"

"Well, I don't know what you'd like me to say Fred, I'm happy you're following your dream. I'm proud that you and George are finally getting the hell out of this place but- but- I'm so fucking stupid!" Charlie laughed, shaking her head at herself.

Fred's hands shoved into his pockets. "What do you mean?"

Charlie looked at him for a moment, "Well, you're leaving tomorrow anyways so I guess it doesn't really matter now. I had really thought that maybe, just maybe, you were going to tell me you still had feelings for me, like I have for you. It was dumb and naieve and juvenile of me to think that this time everything would be okay."

BREAK// Fred Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now