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Muggle New York was not as great as it seems. It was dirty, people were scary and Charlie hadn't made friends. It had been eleven months and she didn't have a friend in sight.

Charlie hated to admit it but she missed home.

She was still dreadfully skinny, she couldn't stomach as much food as she used to be able to.

She hadn't really been doing much.

She had a small apartment in Battery Park. It was falling apart.

Everything was a mess.

She had barely used magic.

She wanted to go back, she still had her old apartment.

Maybe she should.

Charlie packed her bags, there wasn't much.

She ended up back in her old apartment.

The plants were still alive, she wondered how.

It was 3am in London.

She sat in her old office, wondering what she should do. Should she contact anyone? It had been eleven months. Would they even want to see her?

Decidedly, she wrote an owl to Remus. It was also short.

I'm back. If you want to see me, if the order still wants me, I'm here. Other than that, don't tell anyone please? I apologise for leaving so abruptly.


She got a response back almost immediately. It was short. 'Come to Grimmauld place. Now.'

So, she did.

She stepped into her fireplace, taking a deep breath as she spoke. "Thirteen Grimmauld Place.

As soon as she showed up, she was engulfed into a hug from Sirius. She hadn't seen him since before she was captured. After he let go, she looked around to see Remus, Sirius, Mad Eye and Tonks (Who she now remembered). She didn't know what to say, so she said the first thing that she thought of.

"What's up?"

"You ran away for eleven months and all you have to say is 'whats up?'!!" Sirius exclaimed, trying not to laugh. "I haven't seen you in over a year."

Charlie shrugged. Mad Eye explained everything that was happening. Harry was at Privet Drive, he was to be transported back here soon. Ron and Hermione missed him dearly. Dumbledore was dead. And a lot of other stuff.

Charlie sipped her firewhiskey, cringing at the taste. "Bleh, how did I used to drink so much of this stuff?" She cringed as Remus laughed.

Remus looked at Charlie, "Are you alright? Where did you go? I have questions." He smirked. Sirius raised his hands. "Me too!"

Charlie explained it all to them. From Charlotte's Ward to New York. They listened intently, trying to ignore how she didn't look much better.

"I know I may not look the best, but I'm trying. I genuinely believed I was going to die down in that cellar and by the end of it, I was hopeful I would. I needed time away from everything." She looked down at the palms of her hands.

Sirius looked at her. "When are you gonna tell lover boy you're back?" He giggled.

Charlie laughed breathily. "I don't know how. I could just let him find out?"

Remus gasped, hitting the girl's arm. Noting how she still flinched but not as bad. "Charlotte Rosier! You cannot do that!"

The three giggled, drinking firewhiskey late into the morning.

It was about eight in the morning when they finished. Charlie had decided she was going to tell Fred she was back "Now! Right now!" As she put it. Both Remus and Sirius had to hold her back from the fireplace. "Tell him when you're sober! Coward!" Sirius laughed, holding her arm. Eventually, Charlie gave up. The three laughed, sitting back on one of the couches.

When Hermione and Ron entered the living room, Sirius tried his best to diffuse the tension. "Look who's back!" He exclaimed, making jazz hands as Charlie laughed nervously. After an awkward, small wave from Charlie, both Hermione and Ron attacked her with hugs. Smiling in joy and relief.

"Wow! If I knew I'd get so much attention just for running away, I'd do it more often!" Charlie joked. Remus glared at her playfully and Charlie brushed it off, laughing.

Eventually, she went back to her apartment. Sirius wouldn't let her floo without using one of her 'sobering potions' Remus had picked up.

Charlie looked out the window of her apartment, to see Fred and Angelina on the balcony. They kissed.

Charlie smiled sadly, trying not to let her heart drop. It had to happen, one of them had to move on. Fred deserved so much more than Charlie could ever be. She was too jaded for him.

She decided she'd go over later and say hi to Fred, George and Theo.

But first, she wanted to take a nap.

Charlie was extremely nervous to go over, the store was closed. She could tell they were cleaning up. Tears already pricked at her eyes as she watched. Fred and George looked older. More muscular too. Why did she miss everything?

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the glass door. From inside, she heard George shout "Sorry we're close- Charlie? CHARLIE?!" He ran to the door, opening it and engulfing Charlie in a hug. Charlie laughed as tears rolled down her face. "Hey, George." She hugged him back. This is the first time she'd ever hugged George back.

Fred was standing, frozen. "Charlie?" He spoke, it was almost a whisper.

George pulled away, "Okay. I gotta go tell Theo to come down here." He looked at Charlie once more before running up the stairs to the flat.

"Hi, Fred." Charlie spoke in a small voice, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Are you mad?" She almost began crying again.

Fred shook his head, engulfing the girl into the world's tightest hug. "C'mere." He spoke in the sweetest voice.

They hugged for a solid minute as Charlie sobbed into Freds arms. "I missed you. I'm so sorry." She said over and over again. As soon as Fred pulled away, Charlie was yet again pounced on. "CHARLIEEEEE!" Theo shouted in joy as he hugged Charlie, picking her up and spinning her.

"Theoooo!" Charlie imitated back, much softer.

As soon as Theo set Charlie down, he looked at her. "Why are you crying?"

Charlie laughed, deflecting her feelings. "I- I just feel so so bad." She laughed, trying not to sob.

"Tsk tsk tsk" Theo tutted, tapping Charlie's nose. "Why feel bad? You're here now. I always knew you'd come back."

The three talked for a long while. Charlie told them all about New York. She didn't sugarcoat it to them, it sucked.

Eventually, Fred pulled her aside. Holding Charlie's shoulders he spoke to her softly. "Listen Charlie-"

"I know you're with Angelina, as long as you're happy, I don't plan on ruining it. One of us had to move on and be happy, I'm glad it was you." Charlie interrupted Fred.

"What? How do you know?"

"Saw you two snogging on the balcony this morning. How romantic." Charlie giggled as Fred's face turned bright red.

"Well, that's settled then."

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