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Charlie had hired two brewers that she deemed competent and three cashiers. She had the funds for it, besides Theo really needed a break.

Now that she had more time than she knew what to do with, she was looking at career options. It had been a few months and the foundation had been moving smoothly, they didn't really need her around alot anymore.

Tonight, she had a date.

Charlie didn't think she'd ever get over Fred, but she had to at least try. Her and Fred were incompatible, she had learned to accept it. Some things just weren't meant to be.

Charlie had met Daniel at the bookstore in Diagon Alley, he was an employee. They talked about books for hours, they clicked really well.

Currently, Charlie was at the twins flat with Theo. She was drinking a bit of tea as the two talked about their lives. "Oh! Did I tell you I have a date tonight?" Charlie smiled the best she could, sipping her tea.

"No," Theo whispered. "What about Fred?"

Charlie smiled sadly, looking into her teacup. "I don't think the two of us are meant to be, we're too different. We've had completely different lives."

Theo patted Charlie on the back, giving Fred who was frozen in the doorway of his room a discreet look. 'Go away!' his eyes said.

And Fred did.

After a few more minutes, Charlie got up. "Well, I best get going. See you soon, Theo." Charlie smiled at her friend before flooring back to her apartment. The second she was gone, Fred burst out of his room, squeezing Theo for all the details he had.

Charlie was ready to go, she was wearing a beautiful red dress with a corset top and black heels. It was pretty but simple.

Her date with Daniel had gone splendidly, the two really hit it off. That was, until they began walking around the park. Daniel held her hand and made a joke, Charlie laughed, unable to see him raise his wand.

She was apparating. But not at her own will.

Charlie and Daniel ended up in a large, dark house. The Malfoy Manor, Charlie had been here several times. Her heart began beating against her chest as she panicked. She looked at Daniel in confusion as the boy smirked. "Damn, Rosier. I didn't think it'd be this easy to capture you." He said before someone hit her with a metal object in the back of the head.




She was in yet another cellar.

Chains held Charlie's neck, wrists and ankles. She cried out in pain at how tight they were.

Daniel smirked, "Good. You're awake." He tapped his wand against the inside of his palm as he paced in front of the girl.

"What do you wan-" Charlies question was interrupted by her screaming in pain as the shackles around her tightened.

Daniel laughed, waiting for her to quiet down. His face became serious as he spoke in an authoritative tone. "You will not speak unless spoken to, you will not say no, you will do as we tell you and just because we cannot use crucio on you anymore, it does not mean we won't torture you. I am trained in occlumency. We will not refuse to torture you until your soul belongs to the dark lord." He smirked at the fear in Charlie's eyes.

Not again.

It wasn't until Daniel left that Charlie acknowledged the fact that she was in different clothes. She was in nothing but her underwear. All Charlie could think to do is cry. Would anyone even notice she was gone? How long would it take? Would they find her?

Charlie was fed one meal a day, sometimes it was a feast, others nothing but a slice of bread.

Today, a new pair of footsteps walked down to the cellar. Charlie had memorised her captors footsteps. Daniels were loud and cruel, Lucius's were light but menacing, Bellatrixes were terrifyingly playful but these, these were new. They were scared, Charlie could tell.

When the boy entered the room, it was no other than Draco Malfoy, home for Christmas break. "I've been told I must torture you." He said. "I don't want to."

The death eaters had many ways to torture her, tightening her shackles, causing her shackles to stretch her limbs, carving into her, putting fire on her. It was terrible. Draco held a dagger. She knew what was coming but she fought it anyway. Draco wasn't like this, he was just a boy. Yes, he was an asshole but not a sociopath.

"Please, Draco. We can save you. Go to the foundation. Angela or Theo. They'll help you. Please." Tears ran down Charlie's face.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte."

That was definitely the most torture she had enudured.

Charlie hadn't known how much time had passed, she was going insane. She missed her friends and her family. She begged for Bellatrix to kill her. Pleading for it.

She had gone back to her original state after a while. Charlie had no emotion left within her, she didn't even cry when they tortured her, just stared ahead.

Charlie had grown accustomed to it. She knew, if she ever got out, she wouldn't be able to recover.

Charlie felt as though she was dying every time she woke up, that is, if she could even sleep. She never knew what time of day it was, nor what day in general. Charlie didn't know if Christmas break had passed but she hadn't seen or heard Draco since. All he did was one line down her torso. Her already scar littered torso. Charlie wouldn't be surprised if when they hauled her corpse out of the cellar, there wasn't a bare piece of skin on her body.

Charlie thought of the foundation often. She wondered how it was going, if they had carried it on. Charlie wanted to know if anyone was looking for her or if they had already given up. Maybe, they didn't even know she was missing.

Charlie missed Fred. She missed George. Sirius. Remus. Theo. Molly. Arthur. Harry. Ron. Ginny. Hermione. Charlie. Bill. Avery. Piper. Finn. Has anyone noticed?

Her hair was long. Much longer, it reached her torso. Maybe they had done it on purpose or maybe the cellar had made it grow or maybe, just that much time had passed. Charlie hoped not.

Her days drug on, every day she gave up a bit more.

Eventually, she spent most of her time thinking of Fred, the words he had said to her, what he had done. She hated him.

Maybe she didn't, maybe, she was just trying not to miss him so much.

It didn't matter, he'd finally get to see her face on an obituary.

Charlie had gone insane, at least that's what she thought.

The burns didn't burn,

The cuts didn't hurt,

The shackles didn't squeeze or stretch.

She just laid there, trying to find one last strand of hope.

Atleast, she thought, at least nobody has touched me. At least i'm not getting raped again.

She giggled quietly to herself,

how sad it was, that was the best thing she had going for her.

She needed to get out.

Occasionally, she would scream or laugh or just sing songs to herself.

She didn't know why.

BREAK// Fred Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now