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September had passed quickly, it was now October. One day until Halloween.

"Charlie, are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Avery asked his friend, smirking at her. He knew she would say no, him and Piper had already decided to convince her.

Charlie had considered going but the Gryffindors would definitely be there, Theo too. Charlie hadn't spoken to them at all since her outburst. She didn't want to make things awkward for them. The four Ravenclaws, Charlie, Finn, Avery and Piper were sitting in the back of Charms. Fred often glanced at Charlie, she had her head turned to her friends right now.

Charlie had been doing alot better. She still cried, had some nightmares but overall, she was getting there. She had gained much more weight, there was a sparkle in her eye that had never been there before. Sometimes, Charlie felt guilty for being so happy with her new friends. Sophia made her happy when she was around, yes, but, Charlie had still lived in the Rosier Residence, she wasn't happy. The more Charlie thought about it, the more she realised she had never really been happy. Not since she was a small, clueless child.

"I don't think so." Charlie shook her head, giggling at the look Avery gave her.

Finn rubbed his face. "Charlie, c'mon... don't make him start." He spoke in a voice laced with fake desperation. Finn loved when Avery and Piper caused a scene.

"You have to!" Avery spoke, raising his voice. A few people looked over. "Please Charlie! Please! It's the only way I'll ever be happy!" He cried, faking a wretched tone.

Charlie looked at him, laughing. He got down on his knees, Piper shook Charlie's shoulders. "Please Charlotte! It's my dying wish!" Piper spoke.

Now, everyone was staring, Charlie laughed, a melodic laugh, shoving Avery and Piper back into their seats. "Only if you two help me get ready." She spoke, crossing her arms. "Well that was a given!" Finn spoke, laughing to himself.

When class ended, Avery stole Charlie's notes, making Charlie chase after him. As she ran as fast as she could, she slammed straight into someone. Laughing uncontrollably, she began to speak. "Oh my Rowena! I am so sorry!" She looked up, meeting Freds eyes. Instead of wavering or changing her demeanour she continued speaking in the same tone. Hiding her internal cringe. "Listen, I really am sorry but I have to run!" She laughed once more, patting Freds shoulder before continuing her sprint down the hall.

Fred smiled, it was nice to know Charlie was happy.

The rest of Charlie's classes went smoothly. She was quite excited for tomorrow, it was Hogsmeade and then the party. It had been much harder for any Hogwarts students to have fun, with Professor Umbridge around. She was putting a new 'decree' up every day.

Charlie had detention with her tonight, Umbridge had finally figured out she wasn't 'sick' when she had skipped all those classes. Took her long enough.

When Charlie stepped into Professor Umbridge's office, Harry Potter was already sitting there. He stared at Charlie with wide eyes, a look of worry swimming in them. Charlie simply smirked at him.

Charlie knew what the blood quills were as soon as she brought them out. Instead of staying quiet like she probably should've, Charlie spoke up. "Will you be carving your wrongdoings into your hands as well, Dolores?"

"Excuse me Mrs- I have no wrongdoings."

"Hmm," Charlie began, tapping her finger on her chin, "I can think of a few."

"That'll be an extra hour of detention for you."

"How about... 'I must not be a misogynistic toad."?"

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