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The days flew by faster than anyone could imagine and suddenly, it was the day of the third task. Tension was high in the great hall that morning. Theo had made his final decision with the year being over. He wasn't returning home. Instead, he was going with the Weasleys and Sophia to 13 Grimmauld place. As far as her friends thought, so was Charlie. The Ravenclaw wasn't so sure.

It was all Fred seemed to talk about lately. How excited he was, how good for her this would be. Charlie didn't want to hear it. No one had asked if she wanted to, they only assumed she would because Theo had decided to.

Evan had a plan to move out and cut all contact. Charlie didn't know this yet.

The group sat, eating their breakfast. The twins were trying to help Harry lighten up before he went to complete the Third task. Charlie was messing with her long hair. "Why'd you even grow it out? Your mother can't really tell you what to do now, can she?" Sophia asked, taking a bite out of her toast.

Charlie nodded, trying to hide her anxiety. "Just a habit I guess."

Theo gave her a knowing look. He was onto her, that's why Charlie had been avoiding being with him alone at all costs.

The third task was a maze. The group sat down, all together. Even though the press was here. Charlie sat in between Theo and Evan when Theo spoke. "Charlie, don't you want to sit next to Fred?" He asked in a sickenly sweet tone. Charlie said a small yes, moving spots, trying to avoid press.

The group watched intently as bangs went off and contestants were sent into the maze. After the initial excitement, it all died down. They couldn't see any of the contestants, yet again.

All Charlie could think about was the expectations placed upon her. She wanted to run, she really did but, she didn't think she could. She loved her parents, no matter what. They were her blood, they brought her into this world. How could she just betray them so quickly? Theo had made the decision seem so easy. So simple, uncomplicated. For Charlie, it was far from that.

Charlie rested her head on Fred's shoulder as he complained about being unable to see. Eventually, Theo decided to get snacks. "I'm going to get popcorn, wanna come Charlie?" He spoke, staring into Charlie's eyes. Charlie nodded hesitantly.

The two bought popcorn from the concession stand then Theo stopped Charlie when they got to a cleared spot. "If you don't tell him, I will." Theo spoke authoritatively. Charlie gulped. "T-Tell him what?' The girl giggled nervously.

"That you don't plan on running away. I can see it in your eyes, Charlie. You're not going to do it. He deserves to know." The boy spoke, his voice raising slightly.

"...W-what?" A masculine voice spoke from behind them. Just at that moment, red sparks flew from outside the maze. Charlie turned around, coming face to face with Fred.

"Can we please talk about this after the task, Freddie?" She spoke in a shaky voice.

Fred looked as though he was going to protest until he looked into Charlie's eyes. They were desperate. "...Okay."

The task dragged on, boring as ever. Fleur Delacour was the first to be eliminated, she had been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse. A pain Charlie knew all too well.

After Fluer, Victor was eliminated. He was under the Imperius Curse. Two out of three unforgivable curses. It was unbelievable.

It made Charlie nervous for Cedric and Harry. What else could be hiding in that maze? What was taking so long?

Fred had a wall up. Charlie could tell as she held his hand. He felt distant. Charlie tried her best to ignore it. She wanted to spend the most time she could with Fred, before it was too late.

So, even though she could feel this. She held his hand, playing with his fingers. She felt his hair, played with it. She rested her head against his shoulder, taking in his scent. She kissed him too. Everything she could do. She tried to memorise the feeling of his rough hands, his soft face, his red hair, his intoxicating scent.

No matter how much he tried to push her away. She could feel the end coming.

And there it was.

A pop! Sound and Harry were back, Cedric as well. Everyone cheered as they appeared. Unsure of who the winner was. It was happy and cheerful, until it wasn't. Charlie's heart dropped as she heard the screams of a father who had lost his son. Charlie listened to the sobs of a boy who had once again experienced a death at the hands of the dark lord Voldemort. Charlie then realised. This was really the end. Her mother was probably already practising her curses, to use on muggles, mudbloods and blood traitors. Her mother was probably already planning Charlie and Evans initiations.

She stood in the stands, an oh so familiar feeling entering her body as everyone cleared the stands. She stood still, staring out into the maze with a blank face. This was it.

Three long days later, Cedric's funeral happened. It was the first time Charlie left her dorm room since his death. She didn't want to see anyone, especially not Fred.

The bags had returned under her eyes, her appetite had left. She felt empty. She knew what was coming and she couldn't stop it.

The funeral was sad. Terribly, morbidly sad. The whole time, Charlie thought about how it was her people who had been the cause for the terrible wails and sobs. Her own blood. She wished she could rip her veins open and drain the sickeningly pure blood from her body. She would pack mud and soil into her veins, allowing it to flow painfully into her heart until it stopped. Anything if it meant she could be someone else.

After the funeral, Charlie was on her way to return to her dorm. She had to grab her trunk for the train. She was stopped by the redhead boy she was trying to avoid.

His eyes were red and tearful as he spoke in a desperate, shaky voice. "Charlotte... please. Come with us. Please." He reached out to her. She was too far to touch.

Charlie concealed her feelings. She didn't allow the sob that was begging to rip through her throat out. She held a stone cold face, dry eyes and stiff posture. "I can't."

A tear fell down Fred's freckled cheek. "Please... Charlie. Charlotte. Lottie. Char. Please, please, please." He begged.

"No matter how much I love you, I can't. I wish I could , but this is not how things work." Her voice betrayed her, it came out shaky and cracked.

Fred's pain had become anger. He was angry at Charlie. "You are not who I thought you were, Charlotte Rosier. You are a terrible person. You'd rather be a death eater than betray the people who have betrayed you so many times over. You probably want to be a death eater. If you leave, this is over."

"Well, this is over then."

"I never want to see your face again unless it's on an obituary."

"I love you too." Charlie spoke as calmly as she could before speeding off. This was the worst pain she had ever felt. She knew Fred would be mad but that was too far. Those words had sealed her decision for good.

None of her old friends would look at her when she returned to the great hall with her trunk. George was hugging Fred and no one would look at her. Not even Theo. Charlie didn't care. She didn't have the energy to care, or cry, or try to fix it. She just wanted to sleep.

When she got home, Evan didn't come with her. He had decided to run too. Instead of being proud of Charlie for being the only one to not run, Mrs. Rosier was angry that Charlie had let the 'Heir Of The Rosier House' run. Not like it was Charlie's choice. She was envious of her brother's bravery.

She wasn't sent to the cellar this time, no. She got to stay in her bedroom but, this summer, the rules would be much stricter.

Charlie was not excited.

A/N- sorry this one's short.

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