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Things had gone to shit for Charlie, she was given a mandatory month long break from Elixr and the foundation so she spent most her time at the twins apartment with Theo. When the twins were home, she Angelina would come over and Charlie would get to hear Angelina and Fred from his room.

On Saturday morning, Charlie yawned as she fell into the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand. The girl was wearing shorts as it was one of the hottest days of the year. She hardly noticed her scars anymore but Angelina did.

As Fred and Angelina stepped out of his room for breakfast, Fred looked at Charlie and quickly looked away. The two hadn't spoke. since Charlie moved in a week ago.

"You're up early." Angelina muttered, "Hope we didn't keep you awake last night." she smirked.

Charlie shook her head hiding the way her stomach hurt. "You were fine." she smiled.

Angelina sat down once she had her coffee, Fred next to her.

"Can you go put pants on, or atleast put a glamour charm on those things. I'm going to loose my appetite." Angelina looked at Charlie's legs in disgust.

Fred nearly interjected, cringing , but Charlie beat him to it by nodding and standing up. She made her way to the guest room where she hugged herself in the mirror and began to cry.

Yes, she was much healthier but her body was littered with huge and little scars.  Charlie was used to these but other people were not. They already had glamour charms on them, what else could Charlie really do?

Tears welled up in her eyes and Fred interrupted her. "Hey-" he covered his eyes, seeing Charlie in only a bra and underwear "Fuck, sorry."

Charlie sniffled, "S'alright, Fred."

Fred removed his hand from his face to see Charlie crying in the mirror. His face softened as he looked at the girl. Fred hadn't taken a good look at Charlie in a long time. She looked... Defeated.

Fred took a step towards Charlie, who turned to face him. His breath hitched as he took in her body.

Charlie's breasts were small but full, her stomach was flat and he waist was small. Charlie's hips went out creating a hourglass body figure. She was so beautiful.

"W-what's wrong?" he spoke, clearing his throat.

Charlie laughed a bit, "Don't pretend you care. Fred." Usually, Fred would just give up after that but, not today.

"I do care, Charlie. Really, I do. I sent Angelina home and I was going to come and apologize on her behalf."

"I just hate the way I look." she muttered, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "I've put glamour charms on all my scars and they've faded but i'm the only one who can tell because no one saw them before."

Fred couldn't help but grab her face in his hands gently as he looked into her beautiful, cold eyes. "You are beautiful, Char." he spoke softly, "Your scars only show how strong you are, how hard you'll fight and how nothing can make you break."

Charlie looked back into Fred's warm eyes and listened as he spoke, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

As Fred's face got closer to hers, on his accord, he felt more relieved with every inch. That was, until Theo interrupted the two. "Hey breakfasts ready- Oh shit!"

Theo was so mad at himself.

Fred and Charlie joined the breakfast table awkwardly as Theo tried to make conversation. "Charlie, how's your break going?"

"You mean prison?" she retorted. "I just do nothing all day, the only thing i can even consider doing is painting and for that i have to go the grimmauld place when a very angry Remus sits."

She sighed.

Fred looked over at the girl, "You paint?"

Theo smiled, "She's the best at painting. It's quite impressive."

George nodded with a smile, "I'll have to see it some time Char!"

Fred nodded in agreement with his brother.

Charlie's days got darker as she had no distractions. She missed Evan and she longed for Sofia. It was a Friday morning when Charlie made her way into the kitchen wearing one of Sofias shirts. Her eyes had red rims around them and her skin was paler than usual.

Theo recognized the shirt right away, concern washed over him as his mind drifted to the day Sofia bought that shirt in hogsmeade.

"Love!" George shook him out of his memory, are you alright?

They nodded, clearing his throat. "Morning, Char." He gave her a soft smile, hoping it would make her more willing to open up.

Charlie smiled back at Theo, he could tell she was sad. Apparently George and Fred could tell as well. The three boys exchanged concerned looks while Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Yes! I look like shit!" she began, coming off more annoyed than she intended to. "What's new about that?"

Theo laughed a little, pulling Charlie to where he thought he'd out of the twins earshot. He was not.

"Have you been taking your medications?" Theo asked the girl. He was holding her forearms, they were tense.

Charlie shook her head. "No."

Theo frowned at the girl, he was angry with her oversights. "Why not?"

Charlie just shrugged.

Fred stayed behind while George and Theo ran the shop.  He didn't have to but, he wanted to. Maybe Charlie couldn't leave unnoticed due to the anti apparition wards but that didn't mean she couldn't do something bad upstairs.

Charlie sat at the kitchen counter, trying to ignore Fred as she pretended to daydream.

"Char." Fred spoke in a caring voice she hadn't heard in weeks. "Please talk to me."

Charlie looked over to Fred with a hardened face that instaly softened as she met his eyes. She studied the redhead for a moment, she hadn't seen him with fresh eyes for quite some time.

Behind the freckles that covered Fred's face, his skin was pale. His eyes held red rims and were quite bloodshot. Right beneath them his face held two heavy eyebags. His cheek bones stuck out slightly, as if he'd lost just a bit of weight. A realization struck Charlie's heart.

She had been so incredibly selfish. This war had affected everyone. Sofias death had affected everyone. Her constantly going off the rails or being kidnapped, it affected everyone. It was hard for Charlie to fathom that the people she had in her life truly cared for her. She had never felt memorable.

Charlie tried her best to let some emotion bleed through her face as she spoke in a small voice, as if she were a child. "I can- well, I can try."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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