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Charlie and Fred were in love. An all consuming completely intoxicating love. Sophia, George and Theo noticed this. But yet, they weren't officially together.

It was the day before the twins' birthday, Fred and Charlie were currently laying in Fred's bed, cuddling as Fred read his copy of Jane Eyre to Charlie. Since their kiss, everything had been perfect. The last two weeks had been laying in sheets, cuddling, kissing, smiling, laughing and just pure happiness. Sophia and Theo had never ever seen Charlie anything close to this.

Her dark circles had disappeared, her appetite was large. Sometimes, emotions would even bleed through her face and she let them.

Fred and Charlie hadn't done more than kiss but they were both perfectly content with that. Whether her mother wanted her to stay 'pure' or not, she wasn't ready for that.

Today, Charlie needed to meet with Sophia to plan the twins' birthday. Big Sixteen.

With one last kiss, Charlie made her way down the stairs of the boy's dorm. She was wearing a 'Gryffindor Quidditch' t-shirt that was much too big for her and a pair of grey sweatpants. Ron and Harry stared at her as she crossed the common room to go to the girls dorm. When Charlie caught them staring, she did the oddest thing. She smiled. A genuine, real smile.

Charlie walked into Sophia's dorm with no warning, resulting in her walking in on her brother eating Sophia's face. "AH! Sorry!" Charlie shrieked, covering her eyes with a giggle.

Once the two were situated, they began to make a plan. Evan wanted to be involved, for his girlfriend. Theo should be coming any time now but they decided to start without him. It couldn't hurt to brainstorm. "Well, obviously they'll want a lot of people there." Charlie began, thinking about what Fred and George would want. "That means we can't do it in the Gryffindor common room. Too dangerous."

Theo barged through the door, panting. "Room of requirement."

"What?" all three said at the same time,

"The room of requirement, it's perfect! We can imagine it to be as large as we want and it can supply any drinks or food we need."

Charlie shot up. "Yes!"

Sophia had been the 'organiser' , so she gave everyone jobs. "Okay. Charlie, get Theo to show you the room and start setting up. Theo, distract the twins the best you can. Evan, you're in charge of getting things we definitely shouldn't use a school room to imagine. I'm gonna let everyone I know know of the party. I'll tell them all to invite everyone they see in fourth year and above. Let's do this!" She clapped.

Theo and Charlie walked down to the room of requirements. Standing in front of the wall, Charlie imagined the perfect party for Fred and George. With a deep breath, the two walked through the door.

The room was perfect. It was huge, a few bathrooms attached. A huge, life sized cake big enough to be a mini pool was sat on the sidelines along with a large drink table. The table was stocked with many types of alcoholic drinks. The floor of the room was dark green, the walls a cream white. There were april fools decorations and chocolate statues of Fred and George. In some spots of the room, couches and chairs were placed, facing the middle of the room. It was absolutely perfect.

Charlie looked back at Theo with a huge grin. "This is perfect."

Once Sophia had recruited as many people as she could and Evan had got the good stuff, they joined Charlie in the room. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet joined the two. Charlie looked back at them as she stood on a ladder, fixing a strand of lucky clover decorations to the ceiling. "Hey guys!" she smiled enthusiastically.

They spent the rest of the day setting the room up and testing to make sure the muffliato charm worked. Luckily, it did.

At dinner, Charlie and Sophia finally joined the twins and Theo. "Where've you been all day?" Fred smiled at Charlie, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as Charlie nuzzled into his neck. "Sophia and I had a girls day. That's why we left Theo to you two." Charlie giggled.

After dinner, Charlie and Sophia snuck to Charlie's dorm to get ready. Luna joined them. Luna wore a long white dress. Sophia wore a maroon red two piece and Charlie wore a pair of glittery, baggy pants and a small black crop top that almost looked like a triangle bra. The three looked gorgeous.

Theo was going to lead them to the room at nine, it was eight forty five as they snuck out of the Ravenclaw dorms.

When they entered the room of requirement, there were tons of people. From all houses. Charlie smiled widely as she watched Evan greet Sophia. The ravenclaw looked towards Luna, "Wanna go get some drinks?"

Charlie had two shots before the clock struck nine oclock. She stood by the door attentively, Theo and Sophia next to her. Suddenly, the door barged open. "SURPRISE!" Charlie shouted as she tackled Fred into a hug. Fred laughed, hugging Charlie back. "Did you all do this for us?" He looked between the three. George and Theo were hugging. Sophia smiled, nodding yes. "Of course we did! You're our best friends."

Fred and George would have cried. They were so thankful for their friends. Instead, the two drank to their hearts desire. Charlie was right along with them.

Fred and Charlie danced their hearts out. They kissed and they hugged and they touched each other just to feel the skin of the one they love.

And at twelve, they kissed. A kiss so passionate to visualise a love so deep. The sun and moon could be jealous of the feelings they held for each other.

"Will you be my love, Charlie? Please. Be my girlfriend." Fred spoke, out of breath as he pulled out of the kiss.

Charlie responded simply with a kiss. That kiss said more than her vocal chords ever could.

The night was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Charlie had forgotten all her worries the moment her lips connected with Freds. She felt as though she would never remember them.

Then her own birthday approached.

"We have to plan something huge for Lotties birthday." Fred grinned, looking at his friends. Sophia held her fork mid air as Theo cringed. "...You don't wanna do that." he spoke in a hesitant voice. Fred's face held a look of confusion, Georges as well. "Why not?" They spoke at the same time.

Sophia chuckled nervously. "Birthdays aren't really her thing... like, at all. She hates it. One time we invited a few extra people to her common room on her birthday, it did not go over well."

Fred pouted, "Can we do something small then? It's her sixteenth! Plus she's my girlfriend."

Sophia thought for a moment, sipping her pumpkin juice. "Well, last year we just played wizards chess and got crossed... we could go down to the black lake this year, get crossed and play party games, possibly? Or the kitchens. Yes! The kitchens would be good. Much warmer." Theo nodded from beside Sophia.

Fred begrudgingly agreed. He wished he could do more.

Charlie was awoken on her birthday by Sophia, Theo, Fred, George and evan. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted at the same time. Charlie shot awake, cringing as she realised what just happened. "...Hey, guys." She rubbed her head, trying not to show her embarrassment. "Alright well, we'll leave you to get ready. Then we can go to the kitchens and just hang out. If you'd like, of course." Sophia spoke in a soft tone, glancing at Fred and George.

Charlie wore an outfit like any other day, a pair of baggy jeans with the T-shirt Theo got her for christmas. She walked out her dorm to find Fred waiting for her. "Happy Birthday, my love." He spoke, a smile on his face. Charlie gave the best smile that she could. "Thank you."

The two hugged for a bit too long before making their way down to the Ravenclaw common room. The rest were waiting for them.

They went to the kitchens and spent the day getting stoned and drunk. "Those riddles, to get in your common room. They're quite difficult." George spoke, smiling at Charlie. Charlie laughed, nodding her head. "Many times I've been quite too drunk to answer them. Luckily the broom closet down the hall is much cosier than it seems."

Everyone burst out in laughter at this as Charlie blew the smoke of her joint out.

Once the day was over, Charlie slept in Freds' room. Sophia went to Evans and George was nowhere to be found. Fred assumed he was out flirting with some bird. He didn't mind, he loved being alone with Charlie.

A/N- I'm not gonna lie, this was a hard chapter to write. I'm bad with making happy chapters interesting, hence all the drama LOL. Anyways sorry if this one sucked.

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