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 Since the Party, Fred and George seemed to understand Charlie and Theo more. They had come to realise, their situation sucks for them a lot more than it sucked for their friends.

Today, the Triwizard Champions were to be selected. George, Sophia and Fred had opted not to tell Charlie of the Age Potion fiasco, she'd never let them get over it. Sophia was still in the hospital wing getting her beard removed when Charlie and Theo met up in the courtyard.

Theo straightened his back, walking next to Charlie. "Excited for the tournament selection?" He questioned the girl, gazing over at her.

Charlie kept her chin raised and back straight as she spoke. "Not quite, Father told me about it months ago. I presume yours did the same?"

Theo nodded in agreement. When the two spent too much time together, alone, their combined pretentiousness could cause them to be way more posh than intended. The only time they allowed it was during formal events or dinners. When Charlie realised she was the source of the problem, she laughed. "Sorry, Theo. I guess I'm a bit nervous, this whole thing just seems so off."

Theo smiled at the girl, he agreed. The whole did seem off. Theo was worried, ever since the Quidditch World Cup he'd felt some... pressure from his father.

When Theo and Charlie had met, years ago, they made an agreement. They made two, actually. The first was a promise that they'd be 'best friends forever' so far, it had been kept. The second however, was an agreement that if they couldn't find someone they loved enough to run away with or, if they couldn't find someone they loved and their parents would approve of, they'd get married. The Nott and Rosier families were always close, Charlie and Theo would much prefer having a choice in who they marry than getting an arranged one. And at the mere age of 7, they knew that. The pressure Theo was feeling, though. It wasn't marital pressure, it was something else. Theo's father wanted Theo to prove himself but, how? and , why? Theo was only 16, what could he have to prove? Were straight O's not enough anymore?

Eventually, Theo and Charlie met with Charlie's older brother. "Hey, kiddos. Ready for the selection?" Evan asked the two, ruffling Charlie's hair with a smile. The three walked to the great hall, Charlie sat in between the two boys and the twins along with Sophia sat in front of them wordlessly. Sophia could be close at times like this but she could not openly show her friendship with the two. Evan was unpredictable.

Evan loved Charlie, she was his younger sister. They shared different views and values but most of the time, he didn't mind. Recently, though. Evan had been put under immense pressure by Mr. and Mrs. Rosier. Charlie must be kept in check, all while making sure she was finding a perfect suitor and getting good grades. Sometimes, Evan found it hard not to blame Charlie for all this extra stress. He knew Charlie couldn't be happy if he shoved her into the mould his mother had made for her but he couldn't be happy unless she was in it. At the same time, could he really be happy if his little sister wasn't?

Evan sat with a straight back, looking at Charlie and Theo. "Mother wants you to find a suitor, you know." Evan spoke just loud enough for Sophia and the twins to hear. This wasn't intentional.

Charlie huffed, rolling her eyes. "If I haven't found real love and ran away by the time my 18th birthday comes, Theo and I will get married. Assuming of course, he hasn't found love himself." The girl giggled slightly at the thought. Evan frowned, "Charlotte. Don't speak like that, you will not be running away."

Charlie scoffed at the boy, "Do. Not. Call. Me. Charlotte."

The squabble was interrupted by Dumbledore announcing the champions.

"The Durmstrang Champion will be... Victor Krum!"

Cheers erupted from the Bulgarians along with Evan, he knew Victor quite well. The boy stood up cockily, indulging in the attention from his friends. Slowly but confidently, he made his way to the Champions Room.

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