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When George came in with half his ear off Theo almost passed out with anxiety. Charlie sprung to action, using a potion from her Med Line to repair the injury, the ear was long gone though.

Once George was fixed and Harry was safe, The Order sat around for drinks. Charlie could've participated if she felt as though she'd be able to control herself but tonight, she didn't.

Her aftershocks from torture were only getting worse and despite everyone being okay, she still wore a weary expression. Before Charlie could give the group an irish goodbye, Mad-Eye pulled her aside. Neither paid attention to the eavesdroppers.

"Charlie, you have done a lot for the world's situation and for The Order itself, you don't need to fight if you don't think you can." He spoke in a serious tone.

Charlie's face hardened. "I can fight, Mad-Eye. Who put you up to this, Sirius?"

"They're just worried-"

It was no use to Charlie to argue about whether she could fight or not. She floo'd away before Mad-Eye could finish.

When Charlie was back in her apartment, she fell to her knees almost instantly. She hadn't found the time to get any of her meds so along with night terrors and a gloomy mood she also had much more intense aftershocks. Charlie wasn't sure how long it'd been when Theo appeared in her apartment to see how she was and found her screaming on the floor.

Theo hated the sight in front of him, he instantly sent a patronus to George who appeared with his twin right away.

"She's being tortured!" Theo cried, "How is she being tortured?!"

Fred stared at the sight in front of him and knew that they wouldn't be able to help, Sirius showed up seconds after a patronus was sent to himself.

Charlie had finally regained control of her body a few minutes later. She looked up at the four men in front of her and wished she was dead. All she wanted to do was hide from the embarrassment.

Theo rushed to her side, Fred on the other. "Are you okay?" the both asked, helping her to the couch. Charlie shook them off her as she stood up.

"it's just aftershocks i'm fine." she muttered, feeling horribly exposed.

Sirius had a concerned look on his face. "how long has this been happening, Charlie?" he asked the girl.

Charlie shrugged, "Probably since fourth year?"

She heard Fred let out a huge sigh as he rubbed his hands across his face.

Sirius and the boys spoke with her a while longer before they left, Fred stayed behind. Charlie looked at him expectantly while Fred gave her a blank stare.

"Since FOURTH YEAR, Charlie?" He shouted, "FOURTH YEAR?" Fred was pacing around angrily.

Charlie felt hopeless, she was so tired. "Why do you even care? I thought we had already established i hide too much and i lie."

"How am i supposed to trust you, Char? How?"

"You don't have to trust me."


"We aren't together, Fred. Yeah sure we're friends but that means i don't have to share everything with you. We. Are. Not. Together." Charlie spoke sternly, trying not to show how much it pained her that her words were true.

Fred scoffed and with that, he was gone. The second he left Charlie fell apart. She was in a dark place, very dark. If there was one thing she needed, it was a drink.

Charlie ended up at a nearby bar. After a bit of consideration and quite a few drinks. she decided to follow the man who was known for selling muggle drugs. There was not much better for her to do. She had nothing waiting for her at home.

Charlie walked home with a large amount of white powder in her purse.

Since getting the powder, Charlie no longer felt the need to sleep. It had been three weeks since and Charlie was more productive than ever with her foundation, Elixr and chores in general. Aftershock was a good excuse for more and sleep no longer seemed essential. Charlie hardly noticed that she hadn't seen anyone in three weeks. It wasn't until that Friday that she did.

Charlie showed up at Grimmauld place for dinner, she felt good and looked put together but her face was pale, her cheeks were hollow and she wasn't acting like Charlie at all. She spoke quick and zoned out and didn't seem to understand half of what anyone was saying.

Not even Theo could read her.

After the dinner, Charlie tried to leave quickly to the guest room for a 'patronus meeting' but Theo and Remus followed behind her, not paying attention to Fred, George and Sirius behind them.

When Remus stepped into the guest room to see Charlie cutting a line from a small white bag, he'd never been so angry. No one in the house but Sirius had seen him scream like that before.


Fred could practically hear Charlies grin and she muttered a response.

"Charlie..." Theo began before Remus cut in.


Charlie spoke calm, trying to fight flashbacks from the yelling. "It's just a bit of fun Remus, besides. that's not your descision to make."

Remus continued to spew with anger and Sirius stepped in. Wordlessly, he conjured over the various bags of cocaine and flushed them down the toilet.

Fred didn't know what kind of drugs he was expecting but it definitely wasn't something so serious. His heart dropped as Charlie stepped out the room. She was surprisingly calm as she tried to make an exit.

"Stop right there young lady." Remus spoke, suprisingly Charlie listened. "you arent to be without supervision."

"she can stay with us." George shrugged, knowing Charlie wouldn't want to stay with anyone who's angry with her. Fred had not brought up their fight.

"It's settled then. Charlie you're staying with the twins."

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