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The second task was approaching quickly. Fred had been trying to spend as much time as he could with Charlie. They had four months left this year and Fred desperately wanted an advancement in their relationship. Sophia and George were more than supportive.

"Going to the party tonight?" Fred asked Charlie, twirling a quill nervously as he sat across from the girl. The two were in the library, Charlie was doing homework while Fred tried to distract her. The ravenclaw shook her head. "I wasn't planning on it." She actually was sort of planning on it, she wanted to know if Fred wanted her there. After a few beats of silence, Charlie's overthinking was interrupted. "You should, it'll be way more fun if you're there."

Parties seemed to be where things happened, Charlie had figured that out. People get drunk, confess their love and makeout. She knew it wouldn't be that easy for her and Fred. With her luck, Fred would run right back to Angelina. Charlie had learned from Angelina that Fred was only helping her make her crush jealous. It relieved Charlie, but still. He did make out with her alot.

Charlie was in Sophias dorm, sitting on her bed, pulling at her fingers nervously. Sophia emerged from her closet with a few articles of clothes. Peering over the pile with her blue eyes, she laughed. "Char! What're you so worked up about? This is a good thing!" She exclaimed, trying to comfort her friend. It did kind of scare Sophia how much Charlie seemed to like Fred, the last thing she wanted was for her best friend to get hurt. Especially when the reason she avoided her feelings for so long was because she didn't want to get hurt.

Charlie had a weird way of loving, only a few could understand it. Charlie rarely said 'I love you' or words of affection but she would leave the last piece of toast for Theo or 'accidentally' order a cute top twice, once in Sophias size. The ravenclaw just wasn't as familiar with words of affection or hugs. That's not how she grew up.

Sophia threw the outfit she had picked out for Charlie on the chair beside her. It was a black mini skirt with a matching halter top. "Very... showy..." Charlie mumbled, Sophia frowned, looking at the girl. "No! I didn't mean it in a rude way, I just mean... this is your top and my boobs... they're kinda out..."

Sophia giggled at Charlie. "That's like, the whole point. Yeah, your boobs are a bit bigger than mine but they look good. Fred will like it!" She looked at Charlie in the mirror."You look hot!" Sophia smiled at her friend.

Eventually, Charlie agreed to wear it.

As Charlie walked down the stairs of the dorms, Fred sat at the drinks table, swearing to George he wasn't waiting for someone, just really enjoying the spiked punch. Fred looked up as his brother shoved his shoulder. The second his hazel eyes met Charlie's blue ones, he was in awe. Her blue eyes held an unfamiliar sparkle as she gazed at Fred. The ginger's face reddened as he was brought back to reality by Harry and Ron's snickers. "Who're you staring at, Fred? Got a crush?" That was when the two followed his eyeline and they were met with Charlie Rosier. Harry's face hardened as Ron looked stunned. "Fred! You- Shes- death eater!" Ron stuttered in shock, looking at his brother in shock.

Both Fred and George got very mad, all of the sudden. The two of them glared at both Harry and Ron. "Wanna say that again?" George questioned the boy, cracking his knuckles. "Not quite sure I heard you right." Fred added, towering over the two boys. Finally, they departed.

Sophia dragged Charlie to the drinks table, switching her arm for Georges and running away quickly. Charlie rolled her eyes, watching the two run away. She then realised who was in front of her. Looking back at Fred she tried to hold her blush back. "Hey." She spoke in a voice more melodic than Fred had ever heard. The boy took in Charlie's beauty, he was at a loss for words. "...Hey." He spoke as naturally as he could.

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