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Charlie was fed up. It was the summer in between her fifth and sixth year and her family was pissing her off. Charlie's mother resented her for not being the 'perfect Slytherin daughter' and this was Charlie's last straw. For now.

As much as Charlie tried, as much as she hated her family, she always found her way back. This is why Evan, her brother, would apparate her to her friend's house. She would come back. Charlie held Evans' arm in one hand, her suitcase in the other. "You gotta be back in three days, Mother is expecting you for the ball." Charlie twitched slightly, "Okay."

Charlie reappeared in the Tonks' residence. Her best friend, Sophia Black was raised by the Tonks. They didn't know Charlie well, that's why Charlie usually went to Theodores. Today, Charlie needed to get away from all the blood supremacy.

Evan quickly departed, not waiting to say goodbye to Charlie or check if it was okay for the Tonks. The brunette girl stood awkwardly, looking at Andrelia and Ted. They both had suitcases in their hands, they were giving her awkward smiles. Waiting for something to say. Finally, Sophia walked in. "I'm ready, mum- CHARLIE!" The girl shouted, running at Charlie and enveloping her into a hug. Charlie wasn't a very affectionate person but for Sophia, she allowed it.

Charlie assessed the room. They were going on a trip. "I'm very sorry, I hadn't realised you were going on a trip..." Charlie cringes. This was really awkward. Sophia shook her head, holding her friend's shoulders. "We're just going to visit dad, wanna come?"

Ted interjected, "Sophia, darling. Are you sure that's a good idea?" Charlie's face fell at this. She had seen the look a thousand times. It was the 'we don't trust her, her family is infested with death eaters' look. Charlie twitched again, deciding it was time for a potion.

After enduring one of Mrs. Rosiers 'punishment sessions, Charlie almost always needed multiple potions per a day. Her brother gave them to her. The cruciatus curse made it difficult to do many things after enduring it, this made it a bit better.

Sophia looked at her parents, a fierce glare in her eyes. "Why's that?" She spoke, still holding her friend's shoulders. Charlie laughed awkwardly, pulling Sophia's hands off of her. "It's alright, Soph. I can go home. I have a ball to attend in three days time anyways." Charlie straightened her back, trying to hide the look of hurt on her face. Finally, Andrelia decided to speak up. "Charlie, you're coming. It's only three days. I'm sure padfoot and the others won't mind."

That's how Charlie ended up in a mansion with a lot of people she didn't know and a lot of people who didn't trust her. If trusting Sirius was hard for them, they'd probably never trust Charlie. The Rosiers were terrible people, death eaters since before Voldemort's reign.

Charlie expected some awkwardness, yes. She hoped Sirius would come to an understanding that Charlie was a lot like him, in a situation she couldn't escape. Sirius did do that, he had heard so much of Charlie from Sophia, he accepted her. What Charlie didn't expect was for all the Weasleys and her old DADA professor to be there as well.

Charlie hadn't really ever interacted with the Weasleys. She knew they didn't like her from the looks on her face when Andrelia and Ted introduced her. "This is Charlie, Charlie Rosier."

Every single person's face went dark. Charlie was used to this, every time it happened she had a habit of straightening her back, lifting her chin and carrying on. It wasn't her business if they didn't care to know her. She was here so she could be with Sophia.

Sophia and Charlie sat in the kitchen with Sirius. Sophia and Sirius spoke for a long time as Charlie listened, eventually she began twitching furiously. With shaky hands and an awkward laugh as Mrs. Weasley and a few of the children stared at her, Charlie pulled a potion from her pocket. Downing it, she shoved the bottle back into her pocket. "What was that?" Molly Weasley spoke loudly, making her way over to Charlie.

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