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It was the day of the first task, Charlie was feeling down. She really missed Theodore, he definitely shared the lack of interest in the tournament. Charlie sat at the Ravenclaw table, pushing her food around on her plate.

At the Gryffindor table, Sophia and the Twins sat with Harry. They were encouraging the pale boy as he tried to block out the buzzing of excitement going through the Great Hall. Fred looked at Harry with a sympathetic smile before something caught his eye from across the room, Charlie was sitting at her table. She looked lonely, well, alone. And she didn't seem to share the excitement of the rest of the school. Her short dark brown hair was tucked behind her ears as her piercing blue eyes looked down at her plate. The girl's slim face held an intimidating look of contempt.

"It's likely we won't be seeing Charlie at the competition, Soph?" The redhead spoke without thinking, looking over to his friend.

Sophia looked at Charlie with a sad sigh. "I'm not quite sure, Charlie and Theodore usually don't enjoy this kind of event. It's not really all that exciting to them. They usually share the dislike together but..." The girl shrugged.

Both the twins knew the end of her sentence. Charlie and Theodore were in a big fight, Fred had never seen Charlie as a 'people person'. He figured being in a fight with her best friend wouldn't affect her at all. Charlie seemed too proud to let it affect her.

There was a lot Fred didn't know about Charlie yet.

Just as Sophia and Fred were about to go over to Charlie, Her brother approached her. The boy had short, slicked back, black hair. He was wearing his uniform and his posture was perfectly snobby. He spoke quickly to Charlie, she rolled her eyes as he did.

This was the first time Fred had gotten a good look at Charlie's older brother. He was quite intimidating, much like the girl herself. The two of them held the same slim, dominant face structure.

Shortly after Evan left, Charlie shoved her plate aside and rose from her seat. She had no appetite left. Her brother had so kindly reminded her that if she was to skip out on the first task, her mother would be even more infuriated with her. If that was possible.

Evan had insisted Charlie sit next to him and Theo, he obviously didn't know of their fight.

Charlie was not planning on telling him.

Storming out of the great hall, the girl straightened out her uniform. Charlie began to pace. The girl was extremely awkward. What was she to do?

Theodore was bound to act in one of two ways. Either he would completely ignore her, counting the minutes until the task was over or he would let his Slytherin traits shine as he tormented the girl, he knew all of her insecurities so it would be easy.

Charlie had bigger things to think about, Evan wanted her to meet the Minister. He demanded she show her 'best face' meaning, 'cast a growth spell on your hair like you do before we board the train and slap some makeup on that face.'

The girl didn't mind makeup, she quite enjoyed wearing it. When she wanted to. It was the fact that the only occasions she had to wear it for, she was ordered to.

Long hair was something Charlie minded a bit more. It was always in her way, it took too long to brush and it looked unnatural on her.

Nonetheless, Charlie walked herself to her dorm, grew her hair down past her shoulders and put a face of makeup on. The girl examined herself in the mirror. She didn't look bad, just different. Her eyelashes caused her eyes to look wider, drawing attention to the ice blue colour. Her lips were dark pink and plump, her cheeks defined and pink.

Charlie rolled her eyes, pulling her school jumper over her head and running out of the dorm. When Charlie arrived where students were gathered, waiting to get to the bleachers, Sophia stared at her with a confused face.

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