chapter 1: the great change.

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date: june 12, 2022

location: california, U.S.A.

In the mesquite mines, bulldozers and trucks rolled over the muddy pathways while miners began to walk into the tunnels with their mining gear. lights shined in the darkness and they began drilling against the stony walls, hoping to find gold or any other rare metals

a single miner brought a drill against the stone wall, pressing hard until he heard cracks, when the cracks spread out, the miner was dumbfounded as the wall collapsed revealing a man-sized cave entrance, he turned off his drill and slowly entered the cave

while the other miners were gathering around the entrance, curious on what said miner found as the CEO came inside and saw the miner standing still in surprise and wonder. it was a large, dark cavern of unknown crystals

the miner touched one of the crystals, which flashed with life, causing a large pulse of unknown energy to blast through the miners and straight out of the tunnel's exit and continued until it covered up the earth, which caused a massive blackout that lasted for a few seconds once the lights and communications went back up once again

with this seemingly mundane and significant action, Earth has been changed forever and will never be the same ever again

the next day, the manager arrived at the mines with his secretary at his side, holding a clipboard full of results, who is also female

secretary: sir, it's unlike anything that i've ever seen, what our miners found was somewhat extraordinary. it appears to be crystals, but they're glowing

she said as the manager looked at her curiously

manager: really? show me.

secretary: over here sir.

she said as she pointed towards a group of miners surrounding a cart filled with the glowing crystals, the manager passed by some of the miners who stood nearby and approached the cart, he picked up a crystal and inspected it

manager: interesting, this situation is definitely rare. who knows what have we discovered. we have to bring this to a geologist and gemologist to see what it is.

secretary: should we proceed sir?

manager: no, for now have this place on lockdown, we still don't know what these crystals are. for all we know they might carry a virus or something like that, i'll contact the CEO later

secretary: yes sir.


(meanwhile, in san francisco, california)

as the sun rose up in the morning skies, people began to open shops and went out to do their business at their jobs, however, most of the people were stunned as they look at something coming from the other side of a massive fog. as the fog evaporated, most of the citizens in san francisco rubbed their eyes in disbelief and baffled in confusion as they see land appearing near the coastlines, which is 15 football fields away from the city, out of nowhere?

then there were reports of more land appearing at other parts of the world, like land appearing near australia and in the middle of the atlantic ocean, the president joe biden started his speech about what's happening

biden: ''we do not know how this unknown land appeared near the west of our beloved country, to the far east asia and across most of the pacific ocean.  however, i've recieved reports from NASA that their surveillance sattelites found four other landmasses appearing near greenland, south of iceland and west from ireland and britian, in the middle of the atlantic, also another island appearing west of australia in the eastern part of the indian ocean.''

the next day

biden: ''if there are people, neither sentient or human beings, living there, we are not sure what the result will come out in the future if we ignore, may God hope that we'll make a friendly diplomatic relationship with these new unknown nations''.

(in beacon academy)

teams RWBY and JNPR watched the news in the hologram staring Lisa Lavender reporting about a massive disorder within the kingdom and the fact that their moon has been replaced with a perfectly round, non-broken, moon and an unknown landmass apeared vale's eastern coastlines just before the holo-screens became disrupted by static as the CCT's had malfunctioned, which caused many of the student in the cafeteria to be worried on what the world had gone into

on december 12, 2022, the world and it's history had suddenly changed it's course, from this day foward, the people of earth and the former citizens of remnant called this event....the great change.

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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