chapter 13: the cries of faunas kind. (part 1)

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(california, USA, Treasure Island)

the school on the island was abandoned decades ago, but some people believed it was due to something paranormal that happened there while most believed it was economic problems

now, the government decided to rebuild it as the first huntsman academy of the U.S. as the construction began after the UN announcement of earth's hunstmen program

in the meantime, Professor Oobleck, was currently reading earth's history, ranging from pre-historic times to the current era, which is now. he wasn't afraid to admit that their history was fascinating than he ever learned at beacon, grimm never existed on earth, allowing humanity to grow and prosper by building civilizations and forming communities, as it led to the rise of powerful empires and such, which waged war against each other for centuries

Glynda: what are you reading, bart?

Oobleck: ah Glynda, you caught me by surprise.

he said as the combat teacher snatched the book from his hand in a blink of an eye and read a few sentences from the page the doctor was on, causing her to raise an eyebrow in confusion

glynda: is this earth's world history book? i'm shocked that they waged a second world war.

Oobleck: ah yes, World War 2. i was in the middle on that event. perhaps i could finish reading it if you hadn't interrupted me.

he said as he gave out a light chuckle and glynda gave the book back to him

Oobleck: and as for that war, it was far brutal than the Great War between the four kingdoms. it was fascinating, but also depressing due to the people fighting for their survival.

Glynda: have you learned some of america's history as well?

she said as Oobleck started his long talk about the history of our great nation
(atlantic ocean)

on the coasts of the Atlantic, a single ocean liner strolled across the foggy sea with the ocean winds blew softly in the air. most of the passengers were faunus immigrants who sailed out to find a new home outside of the four kingdoms

bunny faunas girl: Mommy, when do we see our new home?

she asked to her parent, holding her hand tightly

faunus mother: just be patient sweetie, we're almost there.

she said to her daughter with a bright smile

as the immigrants looked back at the horizon, the fog cleared itself, revealing a large city with tall skycrapers and a green statue of a lady wearing a crown and holding a torch in the air, this is NEW YORK CITY.

bunny faunus girl: wow, mommy. they look so big!!!

she jumped in awe

faunus mother: of course they do.

she said softly, with her smile brightening even more

when the large ocean liner passed under the brooklyn bridge, the faunus passengers from atlas were awestruck by the gigantic architecture.

within half an hour of sightseeing, the ship stopped at the docks of new york and hundreds of faunus stepped out from the ship, carrying luggage and their belongings with their families

security: alright everyone. no shoving through the waiting line and make sure you don't leave any important papers behind.

he called out with his megaphone as the faunus stood in the line in front of the registration booth, each passenger, one by one and family by each family, both human and faunus passengers asked about wether they wanted to live here or were just visiting here.

however, once they got out from the booth, most of the faunus entering the nation were either scared or nervous for one particular reason.

in this place, there were no faunus at all. they expected that the amercans to be scared or disgusted for the faunus of being a bifferent species....but....


Instead, they were met by a large group of people, hundreds of them to be exact, cheering and greeting them happily as white, red, and blue confetti popped in the air, americans waving flags and signs saying ''welcome to america'' while the police kept the cheerful crowd behind barricades to make a free way (get it) for the newcomers

after they got out of the cheerful crowd, news reporters came by asking questions to the faunus on which kingdom they hailed from por who they were.

the faunus were surprised by their questions, although the american people heard about them, they were still clueless about the new humanoid species

FOX news reporter: so miss, from which kingdom did you hail from?

she said in a cheerful tone to the faunus mother

faunas mother: from the Kingdom of Atlas.

FOX News reporter: can you tell me why you came to america?

faunus mother: we came here so that way my daughter and i can have a new life.

she said

FOX News reporter: oh, that's great. NOW, one last question: are those rabbit ears real?

the faunus mother was taken back by the reporter's question, yet she regained her calm composure as she realized how clueless the americans were about her kind

faunus mother: y-yes they're real.

FOX News reporter: may i touch them?

faunus mother: d-don't you think that's kind of...personal

FOX News reporter: oh i'm so sorry, it's my first time meeting a faunus, anyway it's nice meeting you. and by the way, welcome to America.

faunus mother & daughter: thank you.

in her and her daughter's past, they were discriminated, mainly by the humans back in atlas. but now, for the first time in her life, she recieved a warm welcome....from a human

end of part 1, hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned

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