chapter 4: first contact.

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(kingdom of vale, beacon academy landing pads)

on the landing pads of beacon academy, team RWBY were on the way to their bullhead. Ruby Rose was told by ozpin that their mission is to find and keep an eye on the unknown group that suddenly appeared in the eastern region of vale

Yang: so sis, what are we going to do if these guys aren't friendly?

she said as she placed her hands behind her head

Ruby: professor ozpin told me to keep an eye on them, but not to engage.

she said

Blake: so it's a recon mission.

Weiss: seems like it to me. but we should be careful on who we're dealing with, ruby.

ruby: don't worry, i just hope they're friendly.

she said with an innocent smile
(kingdom of vale, mountain glenn)

the U.S. Marines made first contact with the unknown black monsters, but it didn't go well and attacked everything human. their sudden appearance made the military set up defences on all sides to protect themselves

within miles of the marine HQ, a company of two M1A1 Abrams, 3 bradley fighting vehicles and a dozen of humvees, which are carrying marines, were supported by cobra helicopters. the marines were suprised they suddenly found a dirt road, so the vehicle rolled down in it

up in the skies, one cobra helicopter pilot saw something in the corner of his eye, so he grabbed the radio to speak to his fellow pilot

pilot 1: this is falcon-1, i think i saw something.

pilot 2: i hear you falcon-1, i saw it as well and i think they're...buildings?

pilot 1: positive....from the looks of them, they seems to be abandoned.
(northern coast of atlas)

after it appeared, the french and british fleets were sent to the coastline of atlas

a lone british RC-135 flew over the skies of atlas, after the surveillance was done with, the recon team warned the fleet that they needed to be ready right away as a single atlas frigate made it's appearance to the french and british fleet

new reporters worldwode were shocked at seeing the hovering ships. one of the french captains ordered a single eurocopter to make first contact, but the pilot was extremely nervous after seeing 3 atlas dropship pointing their guns at him

french pilot: (gulped in fear) alrigt, here goes nothing.

he said as we was about to contact the atlas frigate

inside the frigate, general ironwood narrowed his eyes, curiously looking at the aircraft with the propellers on top

atlas technician: sir, i got a signal.

ironwood: that's impossible, the CCT towers are down for maintenance, wireless communication is useless.

he said in a surprised tone

atlas technician 2: But sir, you have to listen to it.

he said as the crew stood in silence, until some words were spoken soon after

''static'' this is ''static'' the european ''static'' and french fleet

said someone with an unfamiliar accent. the ship's radio then removed the static, which made a clear signal

''we come in peace, we do not with to start a fight, i repeat, we come in peace''

after they got the signal, an hour has passed after first contact. the same helicopter returned to the french aircraft carrier it came from, but with some guests. two atlas dropships landed on the platform of the british HMS Enterprise of light

Ironwood stepped out from one of the dropships followed by two of his ace ops, clover and harriet. there, he was met by the ship's captain, it's crew and some news reporters

ironwood: Greetings i am James Ironwood. i am the geneeral of the atlas military

he into'd himself and offered his hand for a handshake

captain: captain John Goodspeed. welcome aboard the HMS Enterprise of Light, i am glad that we can negotiate terms of peace with the United Nations Officials.

he said as he accepted his handshake, but eventually stopped as ironwood heard ''terms of peace'', which made his ace ops confused

ironwood: i....never heard of this ''united nations'' you speak of.

harriet: yeah, what is it?

John: it's...a long and complicated story, general ironwood and....

he trailed off

harriet: harriet bree.

clover: clover ebi.

john: nice to meet you two, come.

he said as he led his guest to the main cabin

NEWS ANCHOR; this is CNN on live, this news came out recently. just a few hours ago, around 10 a.m. to be exact, the french and british navy encountered what appears to be flying ships.

he said as the scene changed to a video where general ironwood shook hands with captain goodspeed, then showed that he and his ace ops are surrounded by a whole bunch of reporters

NEWS ANCHOR: a man named james ironwood hailed from a military organization called the atlas military, which is affiliated with a country called the kingdom of atlas, at least that's what i think it's called.

he said as the scene changed to show ironwood shaking ahnds with john goodspeed before heading bak to his frigate, along with with his ace ops, in one of the atlas dropships

NEWS ANCHOR: an hour later, general ironwood returned to atlas to speak with his kingdom's council, however, the atlas general brought one fo the officers to act as an ambassador, chosen to represent their countries

the scene then changed to another new loaction, showing a city near the coasts, a single chinook helicopter landed in the ports of the city

NEWS ANCHOR: in a place called mistral, the JSDF and chinese navy made contact with the kingdom's council members to take the first step to negotiating with them, but still no comments from the U.N.

he said as the screen went black

end of chapter, hope you liked it

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