chapter 5: mountain glenn

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(eastern vale)

the U.S Marines stood in front of the gates of a certain ruined city. there stood a large rusty old billboard, with the picture in tatters and scratched with claw marks saying:

Welcome to Mountain Glenn.

the marines stood in shock at seeing that the language was unmistakably english as they soon passed through the gates and entered the area, only seeing ruins and piles of debris lying around the place

their tanks and armored vehicles pared near the entrance as the apaches flew above. inside the dark places of te city, beowolves awoke from their slumber after hearing the sounds of helicopters and growled at the human soldiers

private marine 1: sarge, i know han solo said this in the star wars movies, but i got a bad feeling about this.

he quoted as he readied his rifle

private marine 2: and it seems that a lot of people used to live here.

he said as the recon teams began investigating the ruins of the city, they found opened cans of food, tattered clothes, rundown stores and restaraunts, and unknown crystals. there were also skeletons of humans and domestic animals found on the roads and inside the buildings, which made the marine captain feel an eerie dread, like the thing you feel in horror movies, especially paranormal ones like the grudge movies

as the recon group continued their exploration, the captain halts and raised a gripped fist to stop his group. a single beowolf came out behind the rubble and sniffed the ground, the marines began to point ther guns when a large wolf humanoid tensed up and sniffed the air. it's red eyes suddenly caught sight of the group of soldiers

marine captain: STAND BACK!!!!

he called out as the beowolf growled and thennlunged at the captain. the lead soldier carefully ained his rifle and shot the beast through it's mouth, making a hole in the back of it's head

the soldiers lowered their rifles as the beast dropped to the ground and it's body began to evaporate into a black mist

then the group was startled by the sudden howling of the grimm

lead marine:  WE GOTTA REGROUP!!!!! this is captain steve rogers from the red skulls, regroup at the main entrance, i repeat, fall back to the main entrance, ASAP!!!.

he ordered the rest of the recon team around the cty through the radio

a few hundred yard away from Mountain Glenn, a single bullhead made it's way to the eastern region s of vale. Ruby nervously sat in a passenger seat next to her team

in the cockpit, the pilot raised an eyebrow curiously when his radar caught unknown readings not so far away, from the ruins of Mountain Glenn

he raised his hed to see black smoke trail emitting from the city and a couple of unknown aircrafts flying above

pilot: what in the god's name's is going on out there?

he questioned

suddenly, blake entered the cockpit, wanting to see what's going on as she sees the smoke trails from the ruined city

blake: what's that?

she said as she saw the unknown aircrafts

ruby: blake, what's going on?

blake: could be those guys professor ozpin told you about.

ruby watched as the aircraft fired a missile, which created an explosion which could be heard from a mile away. then suddenly, ruby heard a transmission coming from her scroll

this is red skulls. (static) holy shit, there's too many of them

keep em away (static) keep firing at them (static) don't let them get near (static)

ruby hesitated and then pressed on the radio to contact the marines

ruby: this is ruby rose, a student from beacon academy and huntress-in-training, can you hear me?


no answer

ruby: we need to land at Mountain Glenn right away.

she said without hesitation

pilot: are you sure-

he said as blake cut him off

blake: just do it.

then weiss came in

weiss: you might be crazy.

she said sarcastically

yang: hope you guys are right about them being friendly.

she said as the bullhead entered the city's airspace as the screen went black

end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

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