chapter 18: a friendly dinner.

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after aiden and the arc sisters finished playing video games, we see the jones' and the arcs' eating dinner together and talking with each other about certain things

nicholas arc: so, when we arrived in america, i was afraid that we were going to be outcasted or something, but in reality they greeted us, just like the faunus immigrants who also arrived here.

john: well, that's good to hear.

charlotte arc: it definitely is

sheryl: but quick question, are your daughters going to school or something?

nicholas arc: why yes, they're all going to Prattville highschool.

aiden; hey, that's my school.

lucy arc: really, which grade are you in?

aiden: 9th grade.

he said as he took a bite of his steak

aiden: but also, when i came back and met all of you, you said something about a ''saphron'', just who is she?

nicholas: she's my eldest daughter, she also happens to be a mom.

the jones eyes widened at hearing that

john: wait, she has a kid?

sheryl; so that makes all of you....

charlotte arc: grandparents.

aiden: and that makes your other daughters...

nicholas: aunts? yep, they are. and saphron not only has a kid, but she also has a wife.

aiden: wait, if they're women and have a kid, then...isn't their kid adopted?

john: i was ....thinking the same thing.

he said

nicholas: oh no he's not, our grandkid was given birth by my daugher in law, terra.

aiden: let me guess.....she had a sperm donor?

he asked as the arcs lowered their heads in sorrow

lucy: no, she didn't....before terra met our big sis, she had a husband.

jane: from what terra told us about him, he was a great husband.

maria: but one day, terra got pregnant with his kid and when she was about to call him, she got a call from the cops and told her that....

aiden was placing the pieces together and said

aiden: he died...didn't he?

sarah: yes, he died. when terra found out, she was devastated.

maria: but then she met saphron, gave birth to adrian, know the rest.

the jones family were at a loss of words, sheryl had tears in her eyes and john was hiding his face, but aiden was shocked that their sister/daughter in law went through that as he said

aiden: i'm sorry.

nicholas: no it's ok aiden, you didn't know.

aiden: also, she's not the only one who lost someone she cared about

john: no, aiden. you don't have to

aiden: no dad, they need to hear this...i had a girlfriend, but she got hit by a car on one of our dates. i was heart broken when that happened, and it happened back in middle school.

the arcs gasped at hearing that as aiden ran to his room when he started to cry, and the arc sisters looked at each other with sad eyes

we see aiden crying on his bed, thinking of the times he spent with his dead girlfriend, theresa, as he looked at a picture of him and her having fun in a pool

aiden: (sobbing) why did you have to die?

he cried as he heard knocking, went to his door and opened it and sees the arc sisters

lucy; we're really sorry about your girlfriend, aiden.

june: we didn't know.

aiden wiped his eyes and said

aiden: it's ok, i just had to say it because i felt bad about your sister-in-law. it must've been hard for her lose someone to love, just like i lost theresa.

he said as he sniffed

jenny; which is why lucy wants to ask you something.

she said as lucy arc walked up to him

lucy: aiden, i was wondering that.....will...WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME AFTER MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!?????

she yelled out, making aiden's eyes widen at her asking that to him and caught the attention of the jones and arc parents

aiden: (sigh) even though we just met, but i accept.

he said with a smile and that lucy jumped onto him, making aiden carry her ''bridal style'', and that both of their parents squealed that their son and daughter are going on a date as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

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