chapter 2: recon. (part 1)

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(kingdom of vale)

a day has passed since the merger and the citizens have calmed down. however, in the vale council, the four council members gathered

a single man stood beside a hologram with a remote

???: to the council members of vale, it seems that we have an unprecidented crisis. as you can see, one of our spy drones caught a large group from what appears to be an unknown organization.

the man said as he turned on the hologram, showing a picture of the US expiditionary force

council member 1: hmm...considering that we don't know who these people are, it seems we need to contact the atlas military for assistance.

he said as he stroked his beard

???: i'm sorry sir, we're having a problem reaching them due to the maintenance on the beacon CTT Tower.

council member 2: hmpf, fine, then send a message to headmaster ozpin. it is urgent that we find out who those people are, we cannot risk another great war.

(beacon academy)

ozpin: Hmm...i see.

he said as he looked at the holo-message starring the vale councilors

council member 1: since the CTT is down, this is an urgen task, send one of your best huntsmen or huntsmen in training to keep an eye on them. we don't want to risk more civil unrest while keeping the grimm at bay when these unknown armed men from the east set their eyes on our people, who knows what might happen.

he said as the video ended and as the hologram disappeared

ozpin: i understand.

he said as he placed his mug on the table and began to walk away from his office to meet one of his best teams in his academy

ozpin: i think i should send ruby rose and her team for this mission.

(eastern region of sanus)

in the deep forested region, a group of 10 marines from the US marine recon force strolled through the trees while doing a deep silent recon mission around the area

one marine raised his hand to halt the group, clentched his fist and kneeled down as he heard some sounds of sticks cracking and rustling leaves, but the wind wasn't doing that, it sounded something more....alive

marine 1: did...did you guys hear that?

he whispered

marine 2: just some eerie sounds, sergeant. i feel like some shit's stalking us, sir.

marine 1: wait a minute?

he paused as the leaves were moving rustling very loudly and as the marines pointed their rifles towards the source, their jaws dropped in disbelief as they see a black wolf-like creature that's the size of a man as it came out of the bushes

african american marine: what...the that?

i know that's a lego movie reference, but i had to use it, ok.

marine 1: stay calm, will leave us alone.

marine 3: uh, sir. it doesn't seem...

he was about to finish as the beowolf roared and started to charge at them

marine 3: FRIENDLY!!!!!!

Marine 1: OPEN FIRE!!!!!!

he yelled out as they raised hell, get it, on the beowolf as it's corpse fell on the ground, causing it to dissolve and making the marines stare at it in shock as the lead marine started to pull out hus AN/PRC-163

Marine 1: this is recon delta team to HQ, come in! a horde of unknown hostiles is on sight, we're 3 miles away, and requesting backup, ASAP, Over.

he said with a stern face until a call came in

dispatcher: hQ here, we're sending reinforcements to your location, be sure to stay in position and backup will arrive in 30 minutes, over

Marine 1: ok, marines, you know what to do.

he said as they start firing grimm until help arrives

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