chapter 6: huntresses to the rescue

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as the bullhead entered mount glenn's airspace, a hatch opened and team RWBY jumped off and landed on the ground as the bullhead left while the huntresses readied their weapons and sprinted towards the source f the gunfire

in other parts of the city...

Steve: take cover!!!!!!

he warned as his troops ducked under cover as a single M1A1 Abrams tank released a HEAT multipurpose shell towards a deathstalker. as the shell slammed into the target, the large scorpion shrieked in pain and felt some of it's forehead armor fall off

Steve: Another!!!

he called out as the tank shot another round with another HEAT (High explosive anti tank) multipurpose shell. the round drilled through the deathstalker's forehead like butter until it's body exploded, with a gory sight

the gunner: nailed it, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

he cheered

commander: (whistles) now this...this was beautiful

he quoted grunkle stan's line

meanwhile with team RWBY, Ruby dashed together with her sister Yang while above, Blake and Weiss jumped from rooftop to rooftop until they stopped in their tracks and listened carefully to the source of the gunfire


Yang: this way.

she pointed towards the direction of the smoke's emitting location

as the huntresses arrived at their destination, they saw a big battle between the marines and grimm, yang caught the sight of a tank, the gunner was shooting with his mounted machine gun, it's 120mm cannon shot out a single HEAT shell to destroy another deathstalker in one shot with a deafening sound

Yang: woah.

she muttered at a loss of words

we see ruby drooling at the unknown weapons carried by the desert colored soldiers

Yang: uhh, sis?

she asked as ruby snapped back to reality (get it, hahahah)

Ruby: huh...OH Right, we need to help them!.

she said with determination

on the other side, some of the marines stopped firing as they saw the newcomers as the huntresses dashed to a large pack of grimm, ruby and blake unleashed their weapons and slashed the beowolves apart in mere seconds

yang jumped 25 feet into the air and sent her fist to the ground, creating a lerge explosion in the middle of a pack of ursa and sent them flying away

then it was Weiss's turn as she leaped into the air used her glyphs against a pack of 6 creepers, killing them instantly

after the grimm were dealt with, the team regrouped as the the grimm's bodies dissolved into nothingness, but suddenly heard clicks and guns being cocked, and they turned around and see the marines pointing their guns at them

Steve: DON'T SHOOT! Everyone, stand down.

marine 1: are you sure, sir? can we trust them?

Steve: this is our chance to make first contact with the locals here, they need to know that we come in peace, not to start another war.

he said as he slung his rifle onto his back and raised both his arms with a universal sign of ''no fighting'' as ruby and her team saw him come out

Steve: we're not here to fight, we come in peace.

he said as ruby was dumbfounded by him, and she stepped forward and introduced herself nervously in an akward moment

ruby: uhh...hi! my name is Ruby Rose, it's nice to meet you...

steve: captain Steve Rogers, untied states marine corps, red skulls division, we're here to establish first contact with the locals in this area

he said with a salute, which made ruby and her team confused

Ruby: i...don't know what's going on, we haven't gotten a word from the outside world since the towers went down for maintenance.

she said as steve raised an eyebrow

steve: towers?

weiss: the cross-continental-transmit towers, or CCT for short. where did you guys come from and what is this ''united states''?

Steve: the United states of America is a country where we came from.

Yang: never heard of it and... country? don't you mean Kingdom?

Steve: we're not ruled by a monarch. i know its sudden but can you lead us to your civilization so we can speak to your leaders.

he said causing a number of his troops, including yang to snicker at that last part steve said as the screen went black

end of chapter, hope you liked it

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