Chapter 24: First day at Beacon.

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In the courtyard of the academy, we see an air bus land at the docks as many new students walk out of aircraft.

And in the group of new students are Aiden & his girlfriend, Lucy Arc as they stared at the academy for the first time

Aiden: (wide eyes)

Lucy: (giggles) I know. It's big.

Aiden: (chuckles, then stopped) and you said your brother is here, right?

He asked as Lucy nodded

Lucy: yep, and don't worry about being nervous, I already told him about you before we got here.

Aiden: ok, that's goo-wait, when did you tell him about me?

He asked after realizing what lucy said as she blushed in embarrassment

Lucy: um, remember when I said I was going to take a leak back on the air bus?

Aiden: . . . . . . Oh. Well that's makes a lot of sense, actually.

He said as Lucy nodded and the two walk together as they head inside of the academy


As Aiden, Lucy, & the new students entered the academy, the current beacon students greeted them in their own ways of doing it, then Aiden felt lucy tugging his arm, getting his attention as he sees Lucy point at team JNPR

Lucy: come on, let's go meet them.

She said as she and Aiden walk towards Jaune's team, which resulted in Lucy tacking Jaune with a big bear hug

Nora: aww, sibling reunions are so sweet.

Ren just nodded in agreement, and he doesn't have siblings like his leader does. Then Phyrra noticed Aiden and looked at him curiously

Phyrra: are you Aiden?

He looked at her and recognized who she is

Aiden: yes, I am, and you must be Phyrra Nikos, right? Lucy told me about you and honestly, I thought you'd be taller.

Phyrra: (smiles) thanks.

She said as she and Aiden shook hands in greeting with each other and see Jaune & Lucy getting back up as Jaune stared at Aiden

Jaune: must be aiden, right?

He nodded

Jaune: Lucy told me about what happened at your school back in America and I thank you for saving her and everyone else's lives back there.

Aiden: (smirks) thank you. And honestly, those thugs deserved it by the way.

Then they hear microphone feedback and as thenew students turned around, they see Ozpin & the staff standing on thestage as Ozpin began his speech (OF WHICH I don't want to write because it'stoo long)


After everyone finished listening to Ozpin's speech he gave to Aiden, lucy & the other newcomers, we see Aiden & Lucy on the couch watching ''TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS'' in their new room because Lucy asked Ozpin to give her and Aiden their own room, which he accepted and gave it to the couple anyway

Lucy: this movie & the Bumblebee movie are so much better than the Bay-verse movies you showed me.

She said as she and aiden looked at each other with love in their eyes

Aiden: agreed, my lovebug. I totally agree.

He said as they continued to watch the movie, specifically watching this awesome Bumblebee entrance scene

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