Chapter 25: Aiden & Lucy's initiation.

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At the cliff located in the Emerald Forest, we see Aiden & Lucy, along with the new students, standing on the launch pads as Ozpin said one thing to them

Ozpin: good luck and make sure to survive.

Aiden & the other new students heard what ozpin said, making them widen their eyes in surprise or fear

Aiden: wait what?

Then they were all launched in the air as they started screaming, even Aiden as he screamed like Bulkhead in that Scraplet episode while Lucy just made a high pitch little girl scream


After Aiden & Lucy caught up with each other, they've been walking nonstop and are starting to get tired until they hear a bush (giggity) rustling in front of them as Lucy brought out a sword that she made herself and raised it at the bush, and then... a bunny jumped out from the bush

Aiden: (sighs in relief)

Lucy: (squeals in delight & cuteness)

Lucy: (squeals in delight & cuteness)

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Beacon students: Aww!!!!

Velvet was having stars for eyes at seeing the bunny on the screen, along with Ruby as well while their teammates just smiled at them and looked at the bunny


Then, much to their horror, a Beowolf jumped out and started mauling the bunny & ate it

Lucy: (Screams in Horror)

Then she and Aiden grew rage eyes

Aiden & Lucy: YOU SICK MONSTER!!!

Lucy charged at the Grimm with her sword, but the beowolf swatted her against a tree, hurting her

Aiden: LUCY!!!!!

Then the beowolf stood up and as it was about to slash at Aiden, he caught it's paw and cracked it's wrist and broke it's elbow, then before it could howl/call for it's pack, he kicked it in it's balls, making the Grimm squeal in pain as it fell on the ground

While the Grimm was in pain, Aiden picked up a giant rock and carried it to the beowolf as he was about to drop the rock on it's head to kill it, making the Grimm widen it's eyes in fear

Aiden: (sternly) say hi to Maud Flanders and Murial Goldman for me.

The Grimm was confused as it barked ''who?''

Lucy got up and was also confused

Lucy: who?

Then Aiden threw the rock on the Grimm's head, killing it as it dissipated into ashes as he looked at Lucy, ran towards her and knelt down

Aiden: are you okay?

Lucy: yeah, I am. also, who's Maud Flanders & Murial Goldman?

Aiden: just two dead female characters from ''The Simpsons'' and ''Family Guy''. I just wanted to make a reference about those two, that's all.

Lucy nodded in understanding as Aiden helped her get up and the couple resume to find the ruins

Lucy: I wonder if we're close to the ruins.

(FRENCH VOICE: Later, again..) 

Aiden & Lucy, along with the new students are now standing in the ruins

Aiden: These are ruins, alright.

Lucy: agreed.

The others nod in agreement as they walked towards the ruins, found their artifact pieces and ran away to go back to the cliff

(FRENCH VOICE: 12 seconds later)

The students were fighting against a horde of Grimm as Lucy stabbed an Ursa in it's gut and as she looked at her boyfriend, she widened her eyes at seeing how he's killing his group of Grimm

(replace Rick with Aiden & the Rats with Grimm Beowolves)


After Aiden, Lucy & the other new students returned to beacon, new teams were formed except for Aiden & Lucy because they wanted to remain a two-person team.... And that they wanted to be alone if they wanted to have some alone time together someday (Giggity)

In Aiden & Lucy's dorm room, teams RWBY, JNPR & CFVY decided to congratulate them by having a party for the couple becoming official Beacon students 

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