chapter 8: culture shock (part 1)

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(beacon acdemy)

Jaune stared in awe at the marine's vehicles, and they're absolutely amazing, he also noticed the marines. they look well trained and well equipped than the atlas soldiers

he also noticed some students approaching the soldiers and tanks as he and his team decided to join in too as they walk pass a group of students talking to one of the soldiers as jaune stopped in front of a marine abrams tank

he also noticed some students approaching the soldiers and tanks as he and his team decided to join in too as they walk pass a group of students talking to one of the soldiers as jaune stopped in front of a marine abrams tank

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he placed his hand on the front of the tank, feeling like he was born to ride in one of these things

marine: ain't she a beauty?

says a marine approaching the young arc and his team

jaune: Oh sorry, we were just

marine: Don't worry about it, it's fine. what you and your friends are seeing is an M109 Howitzer, this is my ride, i call it ''the desert hunter''.

phyrra: nice name, and you are...

marine: terk mcfist, U.S. Marine, red skulls division. RIGHT BOYS!!!!?????


they yell out with salutes, which impressed jaune and his team

terk: now who are you?

jaune: Jaune Arc, leader of team JNPR.

ren: Lie Ren

phyrra: Phyrra Nikos

nora: I'm nora, do you like pancakes?

terk: a lot of people do, and yes i do

he said as nora started squealling in joy, startling the marines
(New York City)

as the cold winds blew within the city as snowflakes fell from the skies, thousands of new yorkers are fascinated to look up on a single Atlas frigate that's hovering over the ports of the city while U.S. Coastal guards and marines kept themselves a distance away from the atlas soldiers, who are on the ground after a dropship landed on the surface, this place held no conflict to be caused nor inflicted as many people began taking some pictures at the atlas frigate and soldiers.

the atlas natives stood there dumbfounded and began to exchange looks, which made them think that the people in front of them haven't seen people from atlas before

in the atlas frigate, it's crew members are awestruck at the city's scenery where hundreds of buildings that towered almost everything while one of the crew members took a pic with his scroll

after some representatives from atlas, mistral, and vacuo agreed with the negotiations offered by the U.N....

(CNN Headquarters)

news anchor: this just in, the UN negotiated peace with the reps of the kindgdoms of atlas, mistral, and vacuo. UN council member, Han Sueng-Soo and the kingdom's councilors agreed the decision and declared free trade agreement and open borders to increase international relationship.


austrailian marine: i'm not sure why.

he said in front of a cameraman

cnn reporter: can you tell me about this place since the australian army arrived here?

he questioned, who stood there live

marine: well, this place had no differences, but it felt like home back in australia. but when we encountered human-like people, they appeared to be wearing modern clothing, but when we got closer, they had animal parts attached to them, like ears, horns and tails, when they saw us in our first encounter, they just...ran away, probably scared of us like we're aliens, but they're unlike any kind of people i've ever seen in my life

he said as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

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