chapter 17: an Arc family meets the Jones family.

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(Prattville AL, Aiden POV)

i was walking home from school and on the way to my house so i can play Destiny 2, but as i arrived, i noticed a car that i'm not familiar with at all, so as i walked in, i see my parents talking to a bunch of blondes, but stopped as they noticed me

Sheryl: h, hey sweetie.

Aiden: hi, mom...uh quick question: who are they?

John: ah, aiden...this is the arc family, they just moved in and we invited them to dinner tonight.

Sheryl: we were just talking about their only son and their eldest daughter saphron.

aiden: so i'm guessing that these girls are their daughters as well.

Charlotte: that's right.

Nicholas: meet sarah, maria, lucy, jane, june & jenny arc.

Arc Sisters: nice to meet you aiden.

they greeted to aiden, who had the wide eyes of shock at meeting 6 blondes who happen to be sisters, but he eventually snapped out of the shock and said...

Aiden: okay, now that i met you all, i'll be in the basement now...

Charlotte: the basement?

Nicholas: he lives in the basement?

John: we managed to turn the basement into his room.

Maria Arc: the entire basement?

Sheryl: yep.

Aiden: (in the basement) you can come in if you want.

the arc sisters looked at each other and went to follow aiden to see his room, but when they entered the room, they were astonished and impressed of his room's designs and the feng shui they're feeling in the room

the arc sisters looked at each other and went to follow aiden to see his room, but when they entered the room, they were astonished and impressed of his room's designs and the feng shui they're feeling in the room

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as aiden sat on his couch, i said this to the arc sisters

aiden: so, what do you think?

Lucy: impressive.

Jane: i like the designs.

Maria: same here sis.

Sarah: your room is very nice, aiden.

June & Jenny: we agree.

aiden: i'm glad you like it, but this is just 1 part of it.

Lucy: what do you mean ''1 part'' of it?

aiden: follow me, ladies.

i said as they followed me to another room, but as i opened the doors, their eyes widened at what they're seeing

Jane: Oh..

Lucy: my...

June & Jenny: GOD!!!!!

June & Jenny: GOD!!!!!

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Maria: this has to be....the most beautiful place i have ever seen.

aiden: so...who wants to play some games?

Arc sisters: WE DO!!!!!!

they answered as they started to play some games with aiden, who is also teaching them how to play the games
(beacon academy, jaune POV)

in team JNPR's dorm, everyone was happy that cardin if finally gone for good, but one question came into jaune's mind

jaune: (thinking) huh, ever since my parents contacted me that they're moving to america, i wonder how my sisters are doing?

he pondered as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it

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