chapter 12: a new era. (part 2)

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(United Kingdom, England, London. August 5, 2022)

businessmen and council members from Atlas have arrived in London yesterday to meet their british counterparts to discuss technological trade and partnerships

both sides want something from each other, the british want atlas's advanced tech so they can reverse engineer it in their own way and replace their aging once, they mostly want the holograms, scrolls, and androids

meanwhile, the atlas natives are a little bit disappointed for the tech they found from the terran's because it's not advanced like theirs, but they mostly caught their attention on aquiring their long ranged sattelites. After the issues with the CCT's when they arrived and the discovery of earth's space travel, they want atlas to be the still most advanced and powerful kingdom than the rest in both military and economic

the Atlasians also have a desire to aquire Earth's powerful weapons, such as the tanks, fighter jets, long ranged missles, and their guns because they were astonished of it's power and their military wants to get their hands on such weaponry, but for some reason, the UN have put a strict law on preventing the kingdoms from getting them. but they said that the law is temporary and they have to think about it

this irritated them, but the only thing allowed is the exchange of defense and security tech
(Buckingham Palace)

Ironwood: and so, i present to you, your majesty, and to the royal family of the British Kingdom.....the atlas frigate.

he said as the servants of the palace opened the doors to the balcony, Queen Elizabeth and those of her family, who followed behind her were awed by the scenery of the giant ship descending from the outskirts of London

Queen Elizabeth: I Had....seen such things on the t.v. over the past few months. but this is my first time seeing it in person.

she said as she stared at the ship

Ironwood: what do you think, your majesty?

Queen Elizabeth: all i can that it's magnificent. I've heard so much about the kingdom of atlas's incredible advancements of their society.

she said as they heard footsteps coming their way, the atlas councilors turned to a man in his mid 40's, and know who it is

the servants and royal bodyguards noticed the man's posture was arrogant and highly.....i don't know

Prince Harry: how was the tour, mr. schnee?

Jaqcues: the city was grand, all the people here are quite cheerful about our visit. although not as almost advanced as Atlas, i'd say that it's quite hospitable.

he said in a polite manner to the queen and royal family with a smile, but the councilors cringed at this

but the queen, despite knowing what he meant, smiled back at him

Queen Elizabeth: thank you, mr. schnee. i hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoy your stay as long as you want.

Atlas Councilor: we're thankful to her majesty's invitation to be here.

the council member thanked the queen
(japan, tokyo)

guy 1: whoa!!! look at her ears!! they're real!!!!!

woman 1: are they huntsmen, really?

Mei (from ''Overwatch''): so cute!!!! i want to take a picture!!!!

in the districts of akiba, a lone team of huntsmen from vacuo are seen having a tour through the city of tokyo because they're the first tourists from vacuo to come here after the government agreed to open the borders to their new visitors.

upon arriving, a tourist guide is leading the team across the city streets, showing them historical sights on their way while explaining japan's history and cultures. they now stood with otakus and anime fans surrounding them, all asking for autographs or to get a photo with the vacuo huntsmen

cat faunus huntress: umm.....why do they see us as celebrities? i though people here knew about the faunus?

teammate 1: don't you know that faunus didn't exist outside the kingdoms?

teammate 2: that means they've never seen a faunus before.

the cat faunus's eyes widened at the sudden realization

tour guide: and as you can see, since the grimm wars, the news has made an effort to showcase you fighting alongside the UN forces. that's why huntsmen and huntresses like yourselves are seen as celebrities, and japan is no exception.

vacuo team: ohhh...

they said in unison as the screen went dark.

end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it and next up: ''the cries of faunus kind.''

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