chapter 22: weiss finds love.

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(london, weiss pov)

it's been about 2 weeks since the faunas finally became equal and since my ''father'' got arrested when the UN leaked the news about him using the faunas workers as slaves and as a result, the UN sent my so-called father to an english prison called ''the gulag'' and was given a life sentence and now i'm the new owner of the SDC, sure i'm still gonna be a huntress but my mother is covering for me while i'm training.

right now i'm exploring london as everyone was nice to me because ever since i became the SDC's new owner, i told everyone that i'll try to right the wrongs my father did to the company. and as i entered a coffee shop called ''starbucks'' i walked up to the cashier and said

weiss: can i get a caramel espresso, please?

she ordered as a young boy around her age said

???: good choice. i mean, i'm no coffee expert but starbucks has great coffee to drink.

he said as he took a sip of his latte

(this is what he looks like)

weiss: really, i like coffee too

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weiss: really, i like coffee too.

???: same, hey aren't you weiss schnee? that new ceo of that resource company your ''dad'' used to run before he got arrested and sent to prison for life?

weiss: yes i am and my family is glad that he's out of our lives.

???: yeah, racism is one thing, but slavery is just wrong on so many levels. i'm Nathan James, nice to meet you.

weiss: a pleasure to meet you too.

she said as they both shaked hands as nathan said

nathan: so what brings you-

he was cut off as the cashier said

cashier: um, miss schnee? here's your coffee.

weiss: oh, thanks. do you take lien?

cashier: we do now since our worlds merged.

weiss: thank you.

she said as she paid for her coffee and said

weiss: you were saying?

nathan: huh? oh right, so what brings you to london?

weiss: i'm just exploring it after my older sister, my mother, little brother and myself met the queen.

nathan: really? that's great that you met her.

weiss: also, i was planning on going to a music store to see what kinds of music you have that i might like.

nathan: you like music? what kind?

weiss: classical and orchestra, why?

nathan: nothing, just asking because i like to make music too. i'm also great at singing.

he said as weiss gained interest as she said

weiss: really? you sing?

nathan: yep, i also try to make songs that are from a different genre of music, such as rock, pop, electric, electric rock, and the list just goes on, but not rap because it's nt my style since i'm british.

he said to weiss, who was blushing and stunned as she learned that a single boy, who she just me, is good at singing and making music of different genres

weiss: i...i don't know what to say.

nathan: it's ok, do you mind if i join you after coffee because it's getting cold.

he said

weiss: huh? oh, right.

she said as they stop talking and resume drinking coffee, but while nathan is drinking his latte, we can see that weiss is blushing lightly with a cute smile on her face, meaning that she might've found someone to love as she started to drink her espresso and as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it after the long delay and just to say, to honor queen elizabeth, type in the sniper's line ''God save the queen'' for the queen's sake and to comfort the people of england while they grieve over the loss of their ruler, and again, hope you liked the chapter.)

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