chapter 15: the cries of faunus kind. (part 3)

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(belladonna residence)

the marines and representative sat on their knees as a marine picked up a cup of tea that was in front of him, courtesy of the faunus woman nextx to them, and in front of the rep was ghira belladonna, chieftain of kuo kuana

ghira: i am grateful that you brought kila back to her parents, but i'm still skeptical as to why you and your...marines, are here on menagerie in the first place.

he said

rep: (puts the tea cup down) well, it's quite simple actually, mr belladonna, we and the united nations are here to make negotiations and a peaceful contact on this island. wonderful tea, by the way ma'am.

marine 1: yeah, it's really good.

kali: my name is kali, but thank you for the compliments.

she said to their human guests

ghira: why would you make negotiations with us, let alone have peace.

rep: here's why.

he said as he pulled out a tablet and showed ghira the footage of faunus immigrants getting along with the terrans when they arrived, which shocked ghira and kali

kali: faunus and humans....together?

rep: that's not all. did you happend to see a bright light that engulfed you all a few months ago?

he said as the faunus couple nodded

marine 1: well, that light not only engulfed you all, it also merged our planet with yours.

marine 2: and for proof, here's a map of Earth, our home.

he said as he showed the map of the earth to the belladonnas, shocking them that their land are bigger than theirs

female marine 1: and here's what earth looks like now.

she said as they showed the new map of the earth, shocking them more

kali: i don't believe it.

ghira: same here, honey.

they said in disbelief

rep: now tell us, what did that girl we brought back meant by ''humans hurt you''?
after months of establishing diplomatic relations and sending humanitarian aids, the people of menagerie accepted the terran's offer to hepl providing defense from the grimm, the relations started to grow closer after ghira told the faunus of kuo kuana that they're no longer on remnant, but rather...on a planet called Earth.

at first, menagerie's inhabitants didn't believe them, until the terrans showed countless evidence and new of the four kingdom's interaction with the UN, they finally believed them

and things were going well, until ghira told the rep and marines about the sdc and what they did to the faunus working for them, and let's just say....the sdc is fucked
(kingdom of vale)

we see an american tourist in his early 20's, wandering around this peaceful-looking city, which didn't seem crowed comparing to where he was from

after taking some pic of the lovely scenery and historical landmark with his galaxy s10, he took another alleyway to the right for more sightseeing. this path had a few people walking around and he saw a few homeless faunus sitting on the street's sidewalk, angrily glaring at the tourist

he raised and eyebrow and shrugged it off, but when he took another path to the left....well....


he yelled as he threw out a dog faunus out of a cafe, making the tourist stunned in disbelief, not saying a word as the disrespect and prejudice caught him off guard

tourist: what in the 3 rings of hell is wrong with that guy?

he muttered as he walked to the cafe's entrance, he saw the manager hanging up a sign saying ''no faunus allowed''

tourist: faunus?

he said as he heard that word from one of the vale tourists in San Diego and even met one before the grimm wars

he even learned that humans and faunus in the kingdoms had a ''rough'' relationship with each other, which meant a form of discrimination similar to the USA during the 60's

vale woman: Eek! get away from me, you filth!

she screamed at the same faunus who was throw out

vale citizen: get lost! animals like you should die in the wood and let the grimm eat your corpses!

he yelled as the american was shocked at the racial slurs, which was too radical to hear in the public, he even watched as they began to throw rocks at the defenseless-thrown out-faunus

the cops saw this, but they didn't do anything as if they were watching the scene like if it was entertainment. the tourist gripped his phone tightly, now learing at the harsh reality on why the faunus had a rough life and why they left the kingdoms

he knew what he had to do today: he raised his phone and took many pictures and recorded videos of these harsh acts of violence

he and some fellow tourists, who are mostly Americans, Canadians, and Mexican, needed to witness everything as they would let the entire world know about this unfair and cruel treatment the faunus are going through
(new york city, USA)

A female blonde-haired bunny faunus was walking down the sidewalk with her daughter, it 's been a few weeks since their arrival as immigrants.

most of the people were friendly, but some of them were looking at her and the daughter curiously. all was well, until they saw this on a new york times stand

inhumane police brutality towards the faunus is happening in the kingdom of vale

faunus mother: what!!??

her eyes widened in surprise as she bought the newspaper in a slight hurry

moments after buying the paper, she and her daughter walked by a nearby TV store. inside was an employee arranging stuff on the shelves while the TV hanging behind the counter was broadcasting the current news, showing two news anchor, tom tucker and diane simmons, and to tom's right saying:

faunus discrimination!?

tom: good afternoon, everyone ahs gone darkk within these past few weeks as the humanoid people known as ''faunus'' have been treated with horrible and extreme prejudice with the kingdoms of Atlas, Vale, and Mistral.

he said as the sign changed to a photo of people harrasing a dog eared faunus girl with baseball bats and throwing rocks

diane: tourists from all around the world reported to witness these acts of voilence.

tom: meanwhile in the kingdom of Vacuo, rascism happens occasionally, bt unlike the other three kingdoms, the people living with the faunus in peace

dians: the topic continues about this form of discrimination, the UN watched it after learing about the truth of a dust compant called the ''Schnee Dust Company'' and what their CEO is doing to get these crystals.

Tom: the UN's commission on human rights was aware of this crisis, they had planned to set up negotiating with the former faunus civil rights organization known as ''the white fang''

he reported as the screen went dark

end of part 3, hope you enjoyed it.

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