chapter 9: culture shock. (part 2)

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(kingdom of vale, vale port)

a single US aircraft carrier, the HMS enterprise of light, arrived at the ports of vale, most of the vale citizens gathered around to look at the foreign sailors, members of the VPD (Vale Police Department) and Vale Militia, stood in lines with their weapons on their shoulders as the US marines also took in the same line formation in front of the vale cops and troops, a captain from the USS Nimitz and the commander of the US marines met with the head of the vale police and militia, both introduced themselves with respective salutes and shaked hands as a sign of a warm welcome

Vale cop: welcome to Vale, the council is waiting in the hall.

he said as he lead the way
(beacon academy)

a lone US marine, Terk Mcfist, was seen walking alone while some students walked by, whispering about their american guest. he made an astonishing sounding whistle while looking at the sight of the CCT Tower for the first time. he looked over and sees a blonde woman in her late 40's who wore glasses and her hair tied in a bun, and that woman is the one and only, glynda goodwitch

Terk: hey lady, what's that tower supposed to be?

the teacher raised an eyebrow at hearing his question, then realized it was one of the marines they came with team RWBY earlier today

Glynda: that's the CCT. it stands for ''cross-continental-transmit tower''.

Terk: a transmit tower?

Glynda: yes, it has the ability to connect to the other kingdoms. such as calls, messages, videos, and news reports.

Terk:'s like a giant phone booth?

Glynda: you could say that.

Terk: well, where i'm from, we got smartphones, computers, the internet, and orbital sattelites while you guys got these awesome, and very futuristic things like those advanced looking phones you're holding, holograms included

then suddenly., a green blur appeared out of nowhere and stood besides the blonde teacher and marine, causing the soldier to jump a bit and scream like girl due to it's supernatural ability, almost pulling out his magnum. the male teacher revealed himself to be professor, no, doctor Oobleck

Oobleck: excuse me, good sir, i have so many questions. i was informed by my fellow colleagues that they from your soldiers that your vehicles don't run on dust. what kind of fuel does it use and how do they work!!!??? my name id Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck by the way. (then notices glynda) oh hey, glynda.

he spoke unnaturally fast as the marine stood there trying to piece his sentence together and, upon doing so, he answered his question

Terk: Uhh, yeah well that's simple, it runs on gasoline.

he replied

Oobleck: Gasoline?

he said as he raised an eyebrow in conusion

Terk: wait, you never heard of gasoline, like, seriously?

Glynda: we've never had this ''gasoline'', all of our technology runs exclusively on dust.

she explained

Terk: Where i'm from, we never had this dust or anything like that. we've been using alternative rescources like uranium and petrolium, we even started collecting energy from nature itself, like the wind and energy from the sun.

Oobleck: Fascinating...

he said as he fixed his glasses

glynda: you mentioned something called ''orbital sattelites''. what are they?

she asked

Terk: Seriously, you haven't went up to space before the convergence?

he asked

Glynda & Oobleck: no.

Terk: are you for serious, you haven't even tried to send a single rocket through the atmosphere?

Oobleck: well, we did once, but dust doesn't work once it leaves the planet's atmosphere.

Terk: well, back in the 60's, we sent two guys up to the moon and brought them back after that and we didn't use this...dust or whatever you call it. and in a few years from now, we're going to send people to another planet called Mars, probably other planets as well

Oobleck: WHAT!!!!!!!!????????

He screamed as the students eavesdropped in the conversation, who were thinking that this soldier is joking because space travel is impossible

Oobleck: how is that possoble???

he stuttered while glynda is glaring at the doctor

glynda: Oobleck, stop.

she scolded
(united states, san francisco, CA, 1 month later)


CNN reporter: it's been one month since their arrival, but the four kingdoms have reached an international agreement. their first order of business was to send out some of their people to see and experience our society, firsthand.

the footage shifts to display a large crowded group of people disembarking from a ship docked at the San Francisco port. these people, who had come from the kingdom of vale, were stunned and awed by the wonders of this new city they've arrived in

vale huntsman: i can't believe it's larger than vale.

he said in awe

vale tourist: the people seemed to be happy when they saw us coming to the port and i was surprised by the diversity of cultures living in one place.

then the adorable leader of team RWBY, ruby rose, shows up

Ruby: it feels a lor like vale and most of the people here are friendly, but i really feel like an alien, this feels so embarrasing.

she said as she got off the ship

yang: i wonder what kind of stuff they have here, i hope they have joke books.

weiss: yang, you dolt

she said as the camera zooms out, revealing a black haired girl with a bow on her head

blake: i wonder if they have good books to read.

she said as a male CNN reporter came up to blake with a mic in his hand

CNN reporter: hello, may i ask you a question miss...?

blake: my name is blake belladonna.

she said nervously with a swear drop rolled down her head

CNN reporter: ah yes, ms belladonna...umm.. how do you feel about your first time being in San Francisco?

blake:'s fine. it feels a lot like the city where i came from.

she replied, maintaining her cool

CNN reporter: this is Aaron Brown from CNN, it feels like most of them are happy, back to you anderson.
(CNN Headquarters)

anderson: thank you Aaron, for that close look on our new neighbors that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. and that's all for today. this is Anderson Cooper, signing out.

he said as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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