Chapter 23: School Shooting & Aura discovery.

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after Nathan & Weiss had their coffee back at StarBucks, we see Nathan looking through some music records and listening to songs from music composers such as Mick Gordon, Gareth Coker, etc....

while Weiss is listening to music from Hikaru Utada (from the Kingdom Hearts games), Star Wars music, even music from the Destiny games

after weiss removed her headphones, we see her walk up to Nathan, who's buying a pair of Air Pods from the ''Skull Candy'' brand and the two leave the music store togethor


we see Aiden eating lunch with his friends, even lucy and her sisters as they were having a great time until....


they turn around and see a group of thugs in the cafeteria and are aiming their AR 15 rifles at the students


he demanded as the students (even aiden & arc sisters) did what the thugs said to avoid getting killed

Thug 2: Now stay down, because if you don't...

he trailed off as the 3rd thug spoke up


he yelled, making the students and thugs deadpan at the thug who said that wierd comment

Thug 1: were supposed to say ''we'll shoot you all', we talked about this.

he said while being irritated as thug 3 frowned

Thug 3: sorry.

He apologized

Thug 1: it's alright, you're still new to this.

then thug number 2 spoke up

Thug 2: actually, we've been doing this whole scene for over a year without getting caught by the cops.

he said

Thug 1: i know, but that's because-

while he and his criminal comrades were discussing about whatever they're talking about right now, we see Aiden looking at his girlfriend, Lucy Arc, who is terrified along with her sisters, then he looked back at the shooters (who are still talking) and looked at a dufflebag with an AK-47 in it as he sneaked his way to it while crawling under the tables

as Aiden arrived at the dufflebag, he was met with the school shooters aiming their AR-15s at aiden's face

Aiden: oh shit.

Thug 1: ''oh shit'' indeed.

Thug 2: i say we kill him.

he suggested, then lucy came out of her hiding spot

Lucy: DON'T DO IT!!!!

she then was grabbed by thug 3

Thug 3: oh no you don't.

he said as aiden ran towards lucy arc

Aiden: NO, LUC-

he then was stopped when thug 1 & 2 shot aiden on the back with their AR-15 rifles, making lucy & her sisters tear up, then they, along with the students and thugs, grew shocked faces at seeing aiden's body covered in a blue energy shield

Aiden: what the? i have Aura?

he questioned as he then looked at Thugs 1 & 2 as they were scared shitless, making him smirk as he started walking towards the two shooters, who aimed their guns at him

Thug 1: no, don't come any closer!!!

Thug 2: yeah, we'll-we'll shoot, you stay back!!!!

they begged and warned as aiden ignored them

Thugs 1 & 2: (SHOOTS AT AIDEN)

as they fired their AR-15s at aiden, we see that the bullet rounds are doing nothing but bounce off of his body, then they ran out of bullets as they nervously sweat under their ski masks

Thug 1: (gulps)

Thug 2: (chuckles nervously)


we see the entire police force arrive at the school as many cops and SWAT teams exit their vehicles and ran towards the school as the chief left his car


he ordered as the swat team and some cops enter and as they made their way to the cafeteria, they lowered their weapons and had shocked faces at seeing aiden beating a thug's head with an AR-15 stock while thug's 2 & 3 were tied up and had bruises on their faces


he stopped beating the thug up after noticing the cops & SWAT Team staring at him in shock

Aiden: oh.......(bleep) me.


we see aiden in an interrogation room with the police chief, along with Nicholas & Charlotte Arc sitting in front of him

Chief: ok, from what these two told us is that you have aura now, right?

he asked as aiden nodded

Chief: and you used your newfound power to take down 3 thugs that are wanted across half of the country by (looks at clipboard) ''beating them with the stock end of one of their AR-15 rifles and saying swear lines from the southpark movie'', is that correct?

he asked again, making aiden nod

Aiden: am i in trouble? because i'm too young to go to jail, i was only doing the right thing.

Chief: no, you're not in trouble, nor going to jail. Nicholas & Charlotte already informed your parents about this and they're very proud that you stopped them....even in a brutal & disturbing way which is not the point i'm trying to get to.

Nicholas: the point is that, well....

he trailed off as he looked at his wife, who nodded and looked at aiden

Charlotte: well, i think it's better for him to tell you.

she said as the chief got up from his seat and when he opened the door, Ozpin was right their as he smiled at Aiden, who raised an eyebrow in confusion

Aiden: who are you?

he asked

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