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-------❦PRIDFUL - NF❦

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"WHAT TIME IS IT?" I groaned while we waited for someone to open this fucking metal door.

Aaliyah scoffed. "Girl, I don't even know if it's day or night," she joked. I think she joked.

"Do you know how long we have been in this cell?" I asked, turning my head to her just to see her giving me a 'Are you serious?' look. I pursed my lips and began playing with my fingers which by the way, I noticed I was doing a lot lately.

"Ask me something I know," she sighed.

"We are two miserably bitches," she turned her head to look at me and I did the same. We just stared at each other.

And then busted out in laughter. Her hands went up to her stomach and then clenched onto it while she couldn't stop laughing.

"That was a good one," she wiped her tears away and I did the same. "We needed that laugh," I sighed, tilting her head on the wall and letting it rest there.

"Do you know when they usually come and get you food?" I asked her because it's been days, I think since we last saw this door getting open up.

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's always like this. If I behave, they would give me food and water every two days. If I didn't, they would give me no water and food every four days," my jaw dropped.

"They treated you like a fucking animal," she again shrugged her shoulders. "I got used to it,"

"It wasn't always like this. I had a friend here who was one of the guards. He kept me updated on you and everyone else and told me how my family was doing," she gulped as she mentioned her family.

I let out a shaky breath. I remember how her mother sends me an invention to the funeral of Mr. Davis. She also called and texted me many times asking if I have any information about Liyah but I never texted or call her back. The reason for that was that I was scared. Scared that I would disappoint her by telling her that Aaliyah was kidnapped or maybe dead.

I truly couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. I mean she doesn't know anything about what I do and what Axel do so it would have been risky to tell her the truth.

So it was best to just keep my distance until we could fix everything.

"I'm so sorry, Aaliyah," I pulled her closer to my side by wrapping my arm over her shoulder and hugging her. I felt how her warm tears ran down my hand as I caressed her cheek. "I just want to go home," she sobbed, making my heart hurt so bad for her.

"Me too," I tilted my head to the side and leaned down to place a small kiss on top of her head. "And we will. I will get you home," I promised, resting my head on hers.

I don't know how long we have been in this cell but I know it's been days.

Aaliyah was sleeping because I told her so. She told me she hasn't slept at all since she was brought to this cell a few weeks ago.

They still haven't opened the door to bring us food so I assuming they are not here or they have strict orders that they have to follow. I don't care about the food, I care more about water. We haven't had water in days and I feel like they are slowly killing us by not feeding us or giving us water.

I felt how Aaliyah started to move and readjust her head on my shoulder.

Looking down at her, I saw how tired she looked just by the dark circles under her eyes.

I feel so guilty. I never should have told her about the whole Mafia. I'm the reason why she's in this situation. I had to protect her like she did with me when Axel left me five years ago.

I snapped my head towards the door when I hear faint footsteps coming our way. Turning my head to Aaliyah, I began to stir her away. She softly groaned and rubbed her eyes as I whispered to her that she needs to wake up.

"What?" she whispered in a raspy voice. "Wake up! They are coming," I whisper-yelled for her to understand.

She looked up to the door with widened eyes and then back to me. I got up by steadying myself on the wall while I help Aaliyah to stand up too.

Once we were up, I told her to go behind the door while I waited in front of it.

I planned this little stunt for days and know it by heart because of how many times I have played that scenario in my head.

Smirking, I waited for the footsteps to stop right at our door. Once they did, I saw the faint shadow under the door of that person. My smirk grew when I heard the keys go into the keyhole.

I was calmly waiting for that person to open the door. When I heard the click and saw how the door handle was pushed down, I leaned forward to push him against the door and maybe hit him a few times until he gets unconscious.

The door opened up and the rays of light shined through the door which made me blink my eyes a few times to adjust them to that light.

Once I saw the silhouette of that person, I pushed him harshly against the door and began pushing him a few times. I still could make out his face due to the light that was shining on my face.

Liyah came from the side and began pushing him too.

I noticed how he tried to get out of our hold by grabbing our arms but we both were stronger since adrenaline was going through our bodies and the thought of freedom was so sweet to taste. We were determined to get out of here.

I guess he had enough because he pushed us both away and sighed. "Fucking shit can you two stop! I'm here to help," my vision was still blurry but I saw how he held up his hand to his cheek and rubbed it.

Blinking a few times, my vision came back and I could see it was a tall man with black hair right in front of me.

He had black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black jacket on. I narrowed my eyes, trying to get a look at his face once he turned it around.

I gasped, my eyes widened, and my body froze.

"Hi, Bella," he smiled.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't think straight.

Was I hallucinating?

I just looked at him with widened eyes and my jaw dropped.


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Yep he's alive! Did you really think I would kill off my fav character?🤨

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