9. Stupid World

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Originally posted: March 30, 2022. Edited: February 17, 2023.

For the next few days, me and Harvey were the best of pals. Ha! Yeah right. I could barely talk to the man. Bless him though. How he could stand to be around me was baffling. His patience stat must be maxed out. I am sure he has seen a lot of shit, being a doctor and all. I still couldn't win against him and was forced to receive his massages and damn if they didn't feel great.

I was always someone who avoided conflict by ignoring the world outside of my room. But here, I don't have much choice and have to face it head on.

Despite Harvey's earnest efforts to make me feel comfortable, I wanted to kick the author in their non-existent balls. Why would you make a world without toilet paper? I can still feel a moist sensation down below. No matter how many tears of denial and several trees worth of leaves later, I never feel like my backside is clean.

I can deal with cold water and no AC (barely), but why can't TP exist. As if it wasn't bad enough, the sandbox was communal. Nothing like dropping your bottoms next to another chick as she takes a shit. Not exactly a prime opportunity for conversation. Thank God I didn't say something stupid like 'How's it going?' I was tempted though.

I did do some scouting around and learned that Rod was pursuing Eve. R.I.P. my expectations. I guess I'm stuck leeching off Harvey for a while. I just have to ignore the guilt for now.

I ran into Bai and Eve and fell in love with the latter's leopard cubs. They were too freaking cute. Animals were so much better than people. Eve totally supported my interest in her cubs. We were doing great until she asked if I would consider them as future mates.

That was an intense 'what the fuck' moment. Pretty sure I barfed a little. Tastes like liquid hell.

They are babies. Babies! Even Bai looked like she just face-planted in dog shit. Culture shock is not to be underestimated. Before we could recover, a wild Eudora appeared and used 'swagger.'

I guess this was the moment where Bai would figuratively bitch slap her. I get to see this up close and personal. For once Parker was aiming his growls at someone other than me. Yay.

They went through the whole scene as normal. When Harvey showed up, I expected everything to stay the same. Instead, he said nothing and Parker said his lines or something real close. Okaaay. Should I be excited or worried at this change?

Then Bai got her period and Parker got stupidly happy. Poor her. Speaking of, wasn't mine supposed to come soon? I tried to rack my brain for information. I can't recall how long it had been since the last monthly bleed, but I should be due any time. I better ask Harvey for some cotton.

Harvey was more than happy to comply. Too happy if you ask me. Getting my period every month makes me wish I was born with a dick instead. Here, they treat it like a college graduation or a big birthday celebration.

How am I supposed to explain that my 'estrous' visits once a month to Harvey? Will I have to spill that I am human? I certainly won't lie like Bai does, but maybe I can hold back some info. Honestly, explaining the human makeup is going to be lengthy. Plus I almost failed Anatomy class. It'll be a good idea to keep it short and vague.

A day later, my uterus's shedding sidelined me. I usually have intense pain for one day, heavily bleed for five days, spot for two to three more, and hate life everyday. This time was no different, but I learned something tragic. Apparently the wonderful author failed to mention how awful it was to shove raw cotton into your vagina. I didn't sleep well or live well for the next week.

Harvey ran around like he was going to be zapped by a live wire. Come on man. I wasn't that bad. I just hid under some furs and cursed him out a couple of times. My language wasn't even that bad. Harvey waited on me hand and foot, but the scratchy mounds of cotton were rubbing where I never want it to touch again. And I would have to deal with this every month. Fuck that.

Day four of my period, I firmly believed that I will not repeat this ever again. I tried to live in the river so I wouldn't need cotton. I would have become one with the water if Harvey didn't drag my soggy ass onto land.

After a fierce scolding from Harvey, the two of us used our collective brain power (mostly his) and skills (all his) to create a cotton sack sewed with my own underwear. I became a much more decent human now that the assault on my lady parts ended. The victory was short lived.

While rummaging around in my backpack looking for my pencils, I found my Lena Cup. Now I remember why I constantly bash myself, because I clearly have earned it. All that suffering for nothing!

Harvey was fascinated by the concept and insisted I explain it to him. Something about 'being good for females'. That was not a conversation I was willing to have, but it happened anyway. Harvey was totally bummed when he learned it was the only one that exists in this world and that I had no clue on how to make it.

Since my shame was already at full capacity, I decided to tell him about my 'unique' body. Harvey was stunned speechless after learning that I got my cycle every month. I thought he would faint when he learned that I could get pregnant more than once a year. I didn't specify how often. Harvey had a big brain and will figure it out.

I could see some intense worry flashing through his eyes. I guess I should be freaking out more. Being treated like a breeder seemed highly possible since I had no strong mate to protect me. Plus, the smell of my period would draw in beasts all the time. It's actually so scary that I can't think about it. If I do, my wimpy ass might curl up under the furs and never come out.

I just won't think about that for now. Some wise person said to focus on what you can change and not what you can't. Don't know who, but my quack of a therapist liked to say that all the time.

I got to spend a lot of quality time with Harvey. More like forced and awkward time rather than quality, but I'm supposed to be thinking positively. We did have some good moments. He gave me more shame-inducing massages. I had to try so damn hard not to think about the skin to skin contact we were having during those times.

Massages weren't supposed to be dirty, but I almost married the guy who was giving them to me. Was it so strange that I'd feel turned on? How was I supposed to deal with this?

Oh shit! How was I going to relieve myself? No more toys or masturbation. This world really does suck.

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