98. We Are Survivors

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3/3 update for today, September 30, 2022.  

"What the fuck?" There was no question more appropriate for me to ask than that. What kind of shitty luck do I have? Does this world run on fucked up coincidences or something!?

His expression was getting more controlled now. I have to think fast. I must walk out of this alive. "You need to shit too? It's free." Brilliant. I tried to say that as casually as possible while motioning to the out house, but I felt real smart. Like wow, should I find a hole to hide in? I think I earned a new achievement.

"What?" He asked. My sentiments exactly dude.

"The shitter. It's free. I finished," I said with more nerves than I wanted to. I sound really good right now. Like I'm totally obsessed with shit. "Sorry 'bout the smell." Please think of me as some crazy ass bitch and move along. Peace is still possible.

"You want me to use that?" He questioned with a scowl.

"Why else would you be waiting for it?" I used too much snark in that question. I felt up the tat and knew Rowan was about to jump this guy from wherever he was. Harvey and the rest were alerted thanks to our shared magical powers. I tried to will Harvey away and did my best not to look at this guy's stinger.

"I wasn't waiting for it," he stated and I held my breath.

"Could've fooled me," I retorted. I'm going to get myself in trouble, I know it.

"Female," he started. My body tensed up. "Why do you talk like that?" Okay, not what I was expecting.

"Just because. Why do you talk like," you have a stick up your ass, "that?" I won't die today, right?

He remained quiet, but soon smirked. Have I ever mentioned how I hate smirks? I mean, on villain characters and when they are directed at me? Cause I fucking do. He started approaching and Rowan took that moment to dive bomb his ass. I took off in a sprint in the other direction, but I tripped like a dumbass who can't use their fucking legs. I would've kicked the branch that fucked me over if I wasn't suddenly moving very fast while bouncing on a furry back.

I latched onto Hiro's fur and held on for dear life. One moment, we were running like a bat out of hell, the next, we were underground and I was hacking dirt out of my lungs. I heard sounds of trees crashing around and cursed every swear word I knew. Even made a few up when I ran out. I felt a nudge as Hiro pushed me further into the burrow.

Was this bad time to mention that I have claustrophobia and a fear of being buried alive? No? Well fuck.

The extreme dark wasn't helping me anymore than the fact that I was literally six feet under, if not more. I just kept going. My legs decided to forfeit action and failed me. Hiro whined at me, but I couldn't do it.

He shifted, picked me up, and carried me deeper into the hole. No, make that tunnel system. When the hell did he dig this? No wonder he was always snoozing. Guess he wasn't influenced by me after all.

I didn't say a word. So much for being a big bad bitch. Just throw my ass underground and I'll fall apart. "It's okay. It's okay," Hiro whispered while trying to soothe me, but I was not soothable right now.

Hiro tensed and spun around. I fell to the ground and listened to him growl. I couldn't see a damn thing and it was terrifying. I tried to focus on Hiro instead of my rapid breathing and pounding heart. I felt like I couldn't breathe no matter how much air I forced into my lungs. I wanted to get away, to get out of this hole right now, but had no fucking clue how.

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