104. Kick A*s

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1/1 update for today, 10/21/22.

Breakfast the next morning was intense. My gut churned with nerves and probably some shit. I was trying to spend some quality time with the family before Rowan and Shuu would leave, not spend forever on the shitter. I can't even enjoy it since I have some PTSD from a certain scorpion asshole.

I chased those thoughts out of my brain and fussed over Shuu and Rowan. Wish I could say it felt nice to give them a taste of their own medicine, but it didn't. I was just worrying for nothing. They were going to be fine. I knew it, they knew it, and I needed to let them leave on a positive note.

I gave Shuu his pets enthusiastically. After a few minutes of that I turned to Rowan... who had already shifted. You running away from me or something? Eager to get the hell out? Guess you're regretting marrying me.

He wasn't and I knew it. Still, maybe he also knew how good this could be for both of us. I gave his giant bird neck some scratches and he let me. I opened my mouth and mumbled, "I'm sure I won't be so bitchy when you come back... If I am you can always take another vacation." My piss-poor attempt at a joke fell flat. "I think we'll all feel a little better." I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or me.

His head dipped and he rubbed the side of his face on mine. It was a gentle expression that I wasn't expecting from him. The moment didn't last long and Rowan pulled away. They got ready to leave and the boys all said their goodbyes. Thanks to Harvey and Alec, I knew that they weren't torn up. In fact, the little shits were asking for souvenirs.

Eh, what the hell? "Kick some ass and bring me back a dino tooth," I tossed my request into the growing list. I got head nods and one last rub from an extra furry Shuu. Once Rowan took to the sky, Shuu followed. He stopped once to turn around and look back before Rowan screeched at him.

It only took a moment and they were gone. The build up killed me. I almost thought I was going to start weeping like some overly emotional pregnant women. Oops, guess I fit the bill. No one will think I'm a wussy if I cry a little, right?

For the next couple of hours, I played with the boys to distract me. As if the gods and devils shook hands on the matter that was me, Elise showed up to tortur- distract me. I suffered through dialogue that could be summed up to "Blah, blah, blah. And then she blahed. The males blahed and I blahed." I pretended to listen as she dragged me around. I felt better once we got to using the drums. Anytime she went on, I hit the drums extra hard. I was able to vent and drown her out at the same time. Two birds, one stone.

It took her awhile to figure out that I wasn't hanging on her every word. When she started to get upset, I distracted her by having Winston show off the flute. Harvey was the only one who could play it well, but Winston could get sound from it. He's already lightyears ahead of me with that skill.

I followed up by showing her the whoopee cushion ball and frisbees. Her puppies jumped out from wherever they were hiding and I suddenly got invested. My boys were off hunting, so me and Elise played with her boys.

Elise and I tossed frisbees around for her kids. When she got bored of that, we threw one back and forth with her boys trying to steal it along its flight. I was distracted and Elise seemed pretty happy and was even enjoying the challenge. Her chest did threaten to pop out of her super tight tube top several times. I tried to point it out to her and felt some glares of disappointment from her men. Hey dudes. I feel you, but I don't want to see it.

I watched Elise pant, but I was still okay. A little sweaty, but okay. Guess all that exercise paid off. And honestly, moving around like this felt good. I think I needed it.

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