Chapter 31

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Kukui's big day!

Continuation to chapter 30

Y/N's POV:

Today was the day the Pokémon league would finish building the stadium. I held my head up high as I passed through the stands to the stadium to see my friends. "Alola!" I said walking towards them and Kiawe said "alola! Are you going for the Pokémon league?" I smiled and nodded with zoroark as Lana and mallow talked. "I wonder who else is competing." I said then I heard Lillie say "gladion's competing, that's all I know." I smiled as I saw faba with his hypno and I said "hey faba! Are you going into the league?" Faba looked surprised as he nodded then silently ran. I then saw Aserola as she said "alola! Me, mimikins and greedy rapooh are competing!" I smiled as I saw hau greeting gladion. I then said "oh. Speak of the devil." As Guzma and his gang started to sit on the stands. I looked at primarina remembering a small popplio a couple of weeks ago, tsareena flipped her hair and I said "Ooo! It's starting!" As I ran off with my friends I saw the island kahuna's and Kukui. Kukui had just done a speech as we all clapped and zoroark barked happily.

I looked up as the time on the clock counted down and the announcer said "alola! This will work in 1 way! There will be 100 people and when we get to a certain number that will be the next people battling for the Pokémon league champion! 3. 2. 1. Battle!" And I had begun. I started off with blacephalon and I ran to a Aserola and greedy rapooh and I said "watch it! Almost got your gengar out!" While blocking a blastoises attack. Aserola smiled as gengar attacked and gengar whipped around to me and said "you too!" As she ran off and I saw a fainted marshtomp on the ground. Faba was doing alright and I said "blacephalon! Use
Will-o-wisp!" As the rockruff fainted. I said "this is sick!" As blacephalon blew up there head in defence to a upcoming flygon. I then saw togedemaru getting attacked by a zeraora and I then said "oi! Blacephalon! Use fire spin!" And Sophocles smiled staring at me running off. I saw gladion with silvally and I said "Hah! You seem to be having a fun time!" And gladion frowned and said "your distracting me." I frowned as I ran.

An explosion happened as blacephalon bowed as a charizard and moltres collided. "Nice job! Now use incinerate!" I yelled and I made the last trainers Pokémon faint. I smiled as the announcer called saying "that's a wrap!". Aserola, gladion, hau, my friends, faba, Nina, Guzma, and a few others. I walked to my hotel room but before I entered I saw Aserola hugging nanu and talking which made me smiled. I sat in the room talking to blacephalon as the sun went down. (Time skip) I woke up the next day and saw tapu koko out of there poke ball and I said "Tapu koko?" Tapu koko swiftly grabbed a weird looking z crystal as it then gave me it, I looked at it and said "a tapunium z?!?!" And tapu koko nodded before running out the window. I looked down and said "this is gonna be awesome." I walked to the stadium. I walked into the arena eyeing the remaining members, as Guzma grumbled. I looked at Sophocles and then the announcer called "Faba VS Y/N! Lillie VS mallow! Hau VS gladion! Kiawe VS lana! Nina VS aserola! Sophocles VS Guzma!" Guzma grumbled side eyeing sophocles smiling hard.

I was vs faba, should be easy. "Lycanrock! Come out!" I said and faba brought out hypnosis. I looked down and then I said "Lycanrock! Use stone edge!" And hypno was knocked back. "Hypno! Use confusion!" Faba said and to my surprise hypno didn't confuse Lycanrock. "Lycanrock! Use rock throw!" I said and hypno was already very hurt "hypno! Use psyshock!" Faba said and I said "use counter quickly!" To my surprise hypno was already knocked out. Faba frowned walking away and I smiled as I hugged Lycanrock. I clapped as both Lillie and mallow stepped onto the battle field. Lusamine yelled and clapped for Lillie as Lillie frowned and then said "no hard feelings mallow! Good luck! Snowy! Use powder snow!" Mallow smiled and said "you too! Tsareena! Use magical leaf!" Snowy was hurt, Lillie didn't like to battle lots but she still tried. "Snowy! Use powder snow once more!" Lillie shouted and tsareena's legs were frozen "snowy! Use dazzling gleam!" Mallow acted fast and said "tsareena! Use double slap!" Snowy was knocked back very hurt and tsareena without command used trop kick which made snowy faint as the crowd clapped, snowy and mallow hugged contently and even gladion clapped for Lillie and mallow.

I'm listening to "I am not a women, I'm a god" and it fits this chapter so much tho just non binary person-

Word count: 843 words

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